Today we finally had some fun waves out there with perfect offshore wind. A couple of ladies made it out there and were taking advantage of the surf.Here is one of them riding a nice right with a interesting style.

A couple of other cute girls were out there just hoping to get a little bit of sun today.Here is this shot to prove it.

Some of the local surfers were able to paddle out and get some fun waves. These guys were really ripping today.This is Rodolfo “El Tablon” Zapata with a sweet slash on a nice looking left.

The waves were super fun today and not many people were out. “El Flaco” was so happy that he caught so many good waves today.Here he is on a fun looking left.

Augusto “La Gaviota” Chamorro was out there practicing for the upcoming contest at Playa Santana.He wants to be up at the top of this contest because he needs to be among the best 4 national surfers if he wants to be part of the Nicaraguan National Surf Team. They are going to participate in the next Central American Contest in Salvador.

Alright folks, this was Lucha Libre and Come Pan with the report for today.Hopefully the wind is going to stay offshore for the next couple of days and the swell keeps on building, so stay tuned with us.

Hey amigos! Welcome to Thursday’s surf report from Spot X. The swell didn’t fill in as much as forecasted, but there were still some keepers to be had throughout the day.