Nicaragua Surf Report for Friday, May 29, 2015

Here is a cool opportinuty to support one of our local libraries and have a chance to win an epic vacation in Rancho Santana. To purchase tickets, go to limonlibrary.com and follow the instructions. This goes to a great cause- the Puertas del Saber library is doing amazing things for the locals in the area and we want to continue to see them expand their reach.  If you have any questions, please contact Scott at  [email protected]

Hello amigos. We have three different small swell coming from the far south of the planet. The sets are coming every fifteen minutes of different, with a bunch of waves. The shape of the waves were good. Check it out.

Some small tubes in the southern peak. The inauguration of the ISA Open will be starting the next Sunday. All the teams are arriving, so all the people is concentrate in Popoyo beach.

These is the size of the waves in the sets. Every wave to come look like this one. So the wait is worth it.

This wave have a fun drop. The speed is really good to make a sick trick because the shoulder of this wave is two time smaller of the peak and have the perfect arc to get in the air or make a turn.

The speed of the drop is a good impulse to make a trick in the first attempt. Check it out.

Some teams from South America come to this beach. May be running of the crowd. In the next few days will see a party airs in the surf contest. Will have a sections in the surf report about the best airs, turns and will be looking for the perfect ten points every day, so be tuned to the surf report.

The sets were overhead, not too powerful, but with a little challenge. The five surfer in this peak were looking the three first waves because we're the best one. Check this one. Usually the second one was the best in the set.

Yeah!!! Today the people in the right side of the beach prefer to make turns. Back Side cuts with some speed feel very good.

Here he go!!!!. You can see the splash of water, making for the fins, going fast and the hand dragging in the water to have better track.

Ok. Amigos. The Galapagos is shadowing the waves in the south of Nica too because this waves not have a short period and really not have any power of the storm. The new swell will be increased until the thursday four of June. Either way will be have a little rest and time for do some stretch to be ready for another good swell in the orizone. Armando Lopez is out. Good night.