We brought our buddy Randy to the beach today because we knew he was gonna supply us with Gatorades and Ranchitos! Here Randy is, hydrated and energized, bottom turning on a sicky!

Pancho was working on his no hand backside barrel today. Unfortunately, it had to be a itwasgonnabesick because some beefcake was foam balling him! The pledges want to say thanks for the day of surfing Pancho!

This guy took off in the biggest set wave of the day and just got drained! Dude, everyone on the beach was rooting for you on this one! For the whole wave just click the above photo!

Chapin was out there pulling aerobatics like this left and right! I guess from being a boat captain in Nicaragua for the past few years these maneuvers would come easy to you!

Jairo had the sweetest spot up here on the beach to get all these shots! He got this guy’s whole sequence all the way until he got pinched at the end! Dude, you gotta hold on!

Mr. Brown was out there getting a ton of barrels as always! Here he is on this flaring left just getting piped! Don’t worry Mr. Brown, this one isn’t going on facebook.

Last shot of the day we got this guy stalling in the pocket lookin’ for the barrel! We took a ton of shots today, so if you were out there we probably got you! Just click on any of the above photos and they will take you to NSR Surf Shots with an archive of all our best shots! Peace!

Hey everyone! Welcome to an action packed Saturday surf report. Pangas was on fire this morning and so were the surfers!

Hey everyone this is Robert “Lucha Libre” ,Jairo “Come Pan” Panic, and Mateo “Pledge” with the dirty Friday report. We just endured tropical storm Alma and she gave San Juan del Sur a beating. The river broke through the bay and brought a ton of debris into the lineup. Now the storm has passed and once..