DJ Bujia was in for the ride. I had to convince him to paddle out cause I didn’t want to surf alone. He made me keep an eye on him, he thought he was gonna drown.

Yes it is I, Chewy your leader. I was having a tuff time on the super pickle, but, I did get a couple of nice waves. woohoo. I had only had one shot of caballito suave so I felt like I was going to puke.

umm dude lets make sure we keep this kinda stuff in the bedroom. I don’t mind what you do in your spare time but I don’t want to see it on the beach.

I love to watch this guy surf. This is Oliver, one of nicaragua’s best surfers. He knows how to surf every wave under every condition. Killer turn man! (crow caw sound)

Butt bomber!!!! I have to call our boy DJ out on this wave haha it is very difficult to get your butt above your head on a surfboard( I know I have tried) but Bujia seems to do it with ease. great job buddy!

whaa? what happened to that sign? some caped crusader has been spray painting beer signs with NSR stencils. Who is this Robin Hood of Nicaragua, this good looking, verile man among boys. Well the world may never know, but, one things for sure, he surfs like a champ! Check back tomorrow. The wind is supposed to be offshore so we will hopefully get some surf. Chewy out! happy birthday roberto, hopefully we will have some awesome pictures of the party tonight!

Hey everyone! Welcome to an action packed Saturday surf report. Pangas was on fire this morning and so were the surfers!

Hey everybody and welcome to the Wednesday surf report! This is “Chewy” soloing the report, “Lucha Libre” took all the sick pictures and let me get some surfing in! Man, the water was nice, the crowd was chill, and the waves were fun! Can’t ask for much more. It was running about waist to chest..

What’s up everyone! This is Jairo “Come Pan” Panic, Roberto “Lucha Libre”, and Mateo “Pledge” with the surf report from Maderas today. Today the waves were running about waist to chest high, with offshore wind, and warm water. The waves were a little disorganized but there were still some fun ones to be had. Check..