Look small, but is bigger over there. Check this drop.

Someone was pounding. How do you think that hurt?

No too crowded and friendly people there.

This point is famous for the rights, but today the left was the favorite.

The three bandit and Super Simon arrived from CALI WAII. To surf the best spot around here, so we gonna check this guy in action soon.

I want to show you, how fast people build houses in Nica Land. I was walking taking photo and couple minutes after, I look back and……

Now I want to show you the best wave today.

If you don’t recognize. Is Mr. Jack dropping the biggest wave.

HOooooo huuu Simon almost pees in his short. Mr. Jack keep challenge in the water.

And is ready for another section. Good for you Mr. Jack.

For sure we have overhead wave.

Some other point was working good too. Is Hard to know where is!!!!!

Ok. Mis amigos. Was a beautiful day here. The guys and me want to share this sunset with you. Check tomorrow the surf report. The swell is picking up. Armando Lopez is out.

Hey everyone! Welcome to an action packed Saturday surf report. Pangas was on fire this morning and so were the surfers!

Hi there, Lucha Libre its here with your Monday surf report, believe it or not. Doing the report for you guys super late at night before I go out and party a bit for my birthday. Waves were kinda fun, running about chest to shoulder high on the bigger sets, winds were on and the..

Whaddup party people. We are NSR bringing you another daily surf report from Nicaragua. We’ve been rolling with the RipZone crew for the last few days biding our time until the surf picked up. Today we were greeted by epic offshore conditions with headhigh surf all day long. Check out what we paddled out to..