Ok… well what happened here? Welcome to Lake Nicaragua. Yes, I said it was a bit smaller… don’t worry this is only in between sets though.

See!!!! Phewwww… I bet you were thinking this was going to be a sub par report today.

Even though it’s on the small side, the schralping never seems to go away.

I am a big FAN of Kevin’s MAN-FAN’S!!!

and his massive air sections. Pesky close out sections got you feeling down… Not for Kevin. He just boosts right over them.

The feeling of stoke is REEEAAAAL today my friends!!

Not sure what’s going on here… but I can guarantee it can’t end well!?!@

JJ is back and in his element. Although he’s like Einstein smart, his surfing prowess will always be top of his class; imagine if he took his surfing as serious as his academics???

Well, at least he won’t be a surf bum!

Seth’s been putting in a bit of time out there. Nice little nugget barrel today amigo!

Rob is Seth’s brother from another mother (not literally, but they’re pretty darn, good, close friends here) Robs answering back to Seths frontside barrel in his own way. Like they say… brothers are always the most competitive.

IF only, surfing were muscle cars.Rusty guy 1: “Hey man, what you got under the hood?Rusty guy 2: “Uhhh, ya know we got a 4:11 Posi-trac out back, 750 double pumper, Edelbrock intake, bored over 30, 11 to 1 pop-up pistons, turbo-jet 390 horsepower. We’re talkin’ some serious ****in’ muscle”.***for those of you who can guess the movie quote, you RULE!!

Here in Nicaragua, the brotherly camaraderie is thick as blood. Surfing is just as thick if not thicker.

Here, two of Colorados best surfers, Kevin Cortez (outside) and Carlos Perez (inside and Kevin’s señor) share a wave, Nica-Style.

Even thought he’s got the outside track, it looks like Kevins ultimate, lighting fast, driving speed might just be getting the best in this dual surfing of one wave.

All playing aside, the guys know when to pull the plug on the fun so nobody gets hurt. Fun times hermanos!

For those of you who were lucky enough to get to know this rad surfing couple who stayed the good food and drinks at Sidebar for a good amount of time, sadly, David and Lorena are heading back to their home in El Salvador. I will surely miss your smiles and especially your killer noodle bowls. Feliz viaje amigos! ~

Ok friends… I leave you with this lonely yet beautiful offshore, salty, little happy right to mind surf as one last image for the day. Hope you enjoyed! Deacachimba ~ ~ ~

Hey everyone! Welcome to an action packed Saturday surf report. Pangas was on fire this morning and so were the surfers!

I heard the morning conditions weren’t all that great, so I decided to wait to check it a little later. I showed up to see some pretty big surf out there with only a handful of really dedicated guys out. Here my buddy Grey was slaying some of the monsters that were coming through today…

Hey primos, this is the surf report of NSR of the first weekend of june. The swell is loosing energy, but the waves keep shoulder high. The offshore wind was amazing again. A lot of waves were coming during the tide coming up. Check it out.

Before we get to today’s report we’d like to Welcome you to the brand new NSR website!!!! After months of work, this is an exciting day for the whole NSR team. Please take a few extra minutes to check out all the additional features. We hope you enjoy it as much as we do!!!