The last couple of days were great, super light offshore winds with great barrels everywhere (you can check the last two surf reports from Colorado!), but not today… today was onshore, messy and dirty.

The first time I went to the beach there was nobody out surfing, there were a few people just checking the waves but seemed not good at old, maybe because it was still a little bit earlier for the right tide.

First peak had a big current coming from the river mouth that was flowing strong after last night’s rain.

I went back around 2 hours later and the waves were considerable better and of course, a few surfers going at it… but still onshore.

All the surfers were located on the central part of the beach. First peak looked horrible because of all the water coming from the river.

Between the river and the tide, they created a island of sand, like a peninsula that probably will not hold if another big rain decides to come this way.

It was really hard to find the right place to be but, somehow this affirmation didn’t apply to Mario at all.

Here is Mario again going for the lip. Sadly this was his last wave.

This is how it usually looked today, brown waves crumbling down everywhere.

With luck you could find a decent wave long enough for a couple of turns, specially between sets.

This guy takes today’s price for Positivism and Perseverance. He decided that today was a good day to go fishing… from the beach!

Second price goes to this guy who was doing very well without caring for the conditions.

A few locals were out there which is great to see… not all of us are spoiled with the great conditions that Nicaragua has almost year round.

It looks like tomorrow we’ll have better conditions, it would be great because I want to go surfing!

He went to another spot, this time right above the reef. Good luck buddy!
Check out tomorrow (and every day) for another surf report from Nicaragua!

Hello Tuesday and thanks for tuning back in for daily surf report. We had a slightly smaller but still a lot of fun surf today. @tonyzphotos bringing you the goods.

Hello everybody and welcome to the smorgasbord report with NSR! This is Parker logging in late to show you around today’s spots. Keep scrolling down to see some great waves!