We had waves that could rival (visually backdoor, easily – minus the deadly reef of course).

Some thick lippers out there indeed!

There was barely a single whisper of wind out there this morning. The only air I saw was this guys air drop.

Other than that, it was an all time barrel fest on steroids!

Super incredibly clean and groomed conditions for ALL!

So many deep barrels ridden out there today, I bet you all can guess who this twin fin Red Barron is!??!!

Empty, prefect and you could get way more waves today. . . say, then yesterday. Maybe everyone was super surfed out from yesterday and the last couple days before.

But you better build up your endurance as it looks like we’re in for a marathon of swell!

And there’s no slowing down, like this hombre.

Espinoza airlines is now flying commercial! Jaja

We’ve been known for having those old school text book picture perfect wave drawing type of waves you dream of during class, but this is where your dreams become a reality!

Ohhh, but don’t be mistaken, school was in session today!

And this school this AM, was Ivy league, top notch, Harvard, MIT, Stanford, type of level.

So instead of taking all 2K shots and of the 75 best highlights I could select (because I had so much more to choose from, as almost everything I shot today was just absolute MAGIC). I thought I’d finish you all off with one of Colorados longest running and best surfers of his wave with just 13 selected images from this 90 image double barrel wave sequence Carlitos nabbed. Pretty mental!!! Here’s the take off.

Setting it all up…..

Rail set line is drawn and the rest is his handy work, like the Wizard of Oz behind the curtain.

I think this guys seen more tube time that anyone along this beach EVER!

It only makes it easier with how well shaped and tapered the waves were today. . .

But take no mistake, Carlos can and will make almost any wave out there.

From perfect 10’s. . .

To those really gnarly hard to drive through and actually make it out of kind of barrels.

Going for the second section after driving from what out the back and coming into the inside section of the sand bars.

You know he’s always gonna make it when you see just the tip of his board.


But he’s not a one trick pony. . .

He usually ends his barrels or double or triple barrels with big huge hacks like this at the very end!

So with all that said. . . I’m just gonna go ahead and leave you all with this stunning and completely draining & WAAAY Bigger than it looks beautiful empty right. Hope you enjoyed todays report ~Remember, even if you didn’t make the highlights you can always look at the link here for all theDaily Surf Shotsfrom each day, there might be a good chance you’re in there!AND don’t forget to follow us and always check out our current happenings on our daily Instagram stories hereNSRor my photography hereNica Surf Shots

Hey hey amigos! Welcome to Monday’s surf report from Panga Drops. The waves were very small today, but a new novelty peak started working. I’ve dubbed it “Sterling’s Left”.

Happy Sunday Funday Report day amigos! Well today it was actually night and day from yesterday, where it literally rained the entire day. Today’s conditions were serene and completely dreamlike! Pop on in and check it out!