Nicaragua Surf Report for Friday, July 12, 2024

Josh S

Howdy everyone! It looked like December during this Friday’s surf report. There was nobody out at Colorados at low-tide, so I shifted up the beach to Pangas to see what was going on.

Josh S

Fortunately for me there were a handful of motivated surfers out.

Josh S

Pangas clearly living up to its reputation as the ultimate roundhouse training wave haha.

Josh S

You can see with this other young fella what happens when you (1) get out of the pocket at Pangas on any board or (2) let your shortboard sit flat (off rail) for too long at Pangas.

Josh S

I like the creativity from our MVP shredder here. Leveraging some mid-face lump to spin through a quick chop-hop.

Josh S

The MVP surfer demonstrating an excellent understanding of how to surf a shortboard on fat waves. You do whatever you can to stay on rail and create smooth drive through your turns. Speed preservation and smooth drive are key.

Josh S

The inside section through him a bit more meat to work with so he was able to torque through this carve harder.

Josh S


Josh S

Pangas is very difficult to read. It can also be long waits between sets. But the faces are soft which can be nice for folks that are on longboards or learning (especially when it is small).

Josh S

A little early to the section, but the blonde fella had the right idea here.

Josh S

Pangas at it’s finest. A few waves rolling in during each set for the whole crew! The small spell is forecasted to continue tomorrow, but I’ll bring you the best action I can capture. Peace.