Nicaragua Surf Report for Thursday, July 13, 2023

Josh S

Hey everyone! Welcome to Thursday’s surf report from Colorados. Josh here back behind the lens for the next few days.

Josh S

The surf was tiny, but clean today. Luckily I was able to find a helping hand to shoot some photos of my little amigo, Rowan, and me today.

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Rowan was one of the only people catching head high waves out there today haha!

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Rowan typically likes to fly across the face, and pump as much as possible. The mid-day high tide conditions were good for him to practice slowing his roll, and getting more over his rails.

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Roberto was out there for a little bit and managed to serve up a Root Beer float on this mini-left. Yeah Rob!

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I had to do a double take when looking through the photos of the morning session on this wave. It was Aga going on a right! I almost never see her go right, Aga almost exclusively surfs lefts. Way to get out there and capitalize on the mellow conditions today Aga!

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Rowan showing us his good rail control on this frontside bottom turn. You can see the bottom of his board + his toe-side rail engaged + trail of water shooting out behind his fins/tail. The next question is if he managed to cutback in time to maintain his speed?

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This guy got a nice racey right down the beach while a short, but strong rain squall blew over.

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Rowan was getting some nice lefts as well!

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I snuck back down at mid-day between coaching sessions to shoot a little more. This guy down the beach managed to find the only “real” tube I saw today.

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Even when it’s small, it can still be really fun on the right equipment! This would be an epic day for the summer time on the east coast haha!

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Today was Rowan’s last day in Iguana to shred for some time. He was liking the conditions today, so we jumped back out at sunset for a last half-hour session.

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Jeyner is back in Iguana for now. He’s been pretty amped up despite the small conditions. Chasing micro-barrels and mini-boosts!

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Lance paddled out to join Rowan and me for their last shred sesh this trip. I bet he was stoked to see Rowan get a nice pig-dog high-line from front row view!

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Rowan was a wave catching machine today, but Lance couldn’t let him get too far ahead of himself! The speedometer likely started flashing red for Lance on this speedy little left.

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Yin and Yang! Lane also spotted an opportune moment to slam on the breaks via a tactical butt-drag on this hollow right. Nice one Lance!

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Speaking of tapping on the breaks, Rowan also spotted a mini-tube opportunity, but realized he would need to wipe off some speed. He opted to check down low, grab his rail, then tuck back up in hopes of getting some cover.

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Aha! Nicely done Rowan! He managed to succeed in his speculation and found a little cover-up by tucking up high with his pig-dog form after wiping off his earlier speed. The future looks bright for this little dude if he stays consistent in his surfing and keeps his feet in the wax!

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Here’s a speedy right he got toward the end of today’s session.

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I think he was hoping for a tube here, but he was flying way too fast to hit the breaks here haha!

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He realized the tube wasn’t the right play for this one, then slingshotted across the face for the rest of the ride.

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Kiicchhooowwww! Shooting some stylish lightning bolts from his fingers here haha! The Palpatine force lightning + drop knee combo = Max Style!

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To close out today’s report, we have Lance teeing up on a nice left corner that he snagged right before sundown.

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Alrighty amigos, that’s all of Thursday’s best surf action! I’m glad that I even managed to cameo on my own report in my element, surf-sensei mode! The surf should be a bit bigger tomorrow so be sure to stop back by and see if we get a magic pulse! Stay healthy everyone and have a good one!