I think the higher tide was definitely the call for the bigger waves of the new small swell today. Low tide drained it out a bit, but here’s Yuji bout to smack a low tide ripper in the afternoon session.

Brother Koji going for the massive floater. That’s a lot of wave you’re sliding over young amigo! Very impressive!

Carlitos Jr. getting a nice little surf session in with his Papa. The kiddos around here have been doing a lot lately, from surfing, to crafting and jewelry making to cooking classes. This place is pretty awesome to be a grom for sure!

Met this new amigo from up North. Kent, originally from Australia, but now lives here in Nicaragua full time, taking some time to explore the waves much further south than where he and his wife are live.

Koji putting on a little barrel clinic for the insider crowd.

Where there are barrels is where you will pretty much almost any surfer who lives or decides to visit this magical strip of surf.

Looks like Kent might just be here long enough to get to experience these waves in the well overhead range come on or around the 24th; when we should be getting our next decent swell.

D-man on his second or maybe even third session of the day.

It’s hard to not feel the pressure to wanna surf almost all day around here, since the crowd factor is so low. I’ve pulled up to see this lineup completely empty…. quite a bit.

Heck, even Alberto paddled all the way over from the reef this afternoon (which I don’t know or think I’ve ever seen him do). Must be getting really lonely down there surfing all those waves by himself! haha

Good to see Roberto and his green machine out for the twilight sesh as well! Sick one brother!

My final parting surf shot and one of Derek’s signature free flowing, soul arching moves that he’s so well known for. Sickkkkkk style for days buddy!!!

That’s a wrap for my Tuesday surf report my friends. As always thank you for stopping by to read the daily reports.. even many more thanks for checking out our instagram page. If you want to check it out you can click hereNSR instagramBuenos notes ~

Hello Tuesday and thanks for tuning back in for daily surf report. We had a slightly smaller but still a lot of fun surf today. @tonyzphotos bringing you the goods.

Hello everybody and happy Sunday Funday to you! Parker here checking in with some shots from the reef. Take your Monday morning easy and check out today’s pumping waves.