Nothing like a juicy backhand drainer. The tide was still rolling up by the time I got down and although the waves were mostly on the small side, I did see some improvement in the conditions as it got later in the day.

This guys style in his bottom turn for a mediocre wave show’s he’s setting up pretty nicely…

Finishing off that nice little whack on the inside. Good form buddy!

Micro was definitely todays theme in terms of wave size.. but we’re still in our peak season, so don’t count on this size for too long.

A micro-grom on a micro-wave, not to confuse with the thing that is called a kitchen appliance that heats and cooks food by exposing it to electromagnetic radiation in the microwave frequency range. This induces polar molecules in the food to rotate and produce thermal energy in a process known as dielectric heating.

Phewww that’s the long winded side of what I didn’t mean, but boy does this grom Heat up these little waves or what?!?!?!?

Two of our residents here at the Hacienda of Iguana… Amanda & Grant. Such a cool, nice couple, not to mention my vecinos. Grant was ripping yesterday, if you click that previous button you can check it out on my report from ayer.

Talk about ripping, this guys was throwing down some pretty nice moves all day. My lens is automatically drawn to high performance surfing for some reason. I wonder why?

Ok, well I am a Gemini, so this explain why I am drawn to both sides of the coin of surfing. We can’t ever forget our roots and where we all started… right?

This mysto left will be Pumping in just a few days! I can’t wait!! Yooo Colin, if you’re ready my report today, you ready buddy??

Another set of fine folks here coming to enjoy the late afternoon beach scene. Buenas Tardes Señor Peter, Kristhell and Steffi.

There were a lot of little grom rippers out there, tearing it up. I hope they’ll be around for our next big swell. I love when newcomers get to experience this wave for all it’s glory.

Speaking of Glory! If you’re thinking of what to do for Cena (dinner) tonight… think no-more! You need to head on over to Casa Ananas for tonights amazing Pizza night; where their all handmade pies are done up fresh and mouth watering creatively by the talented Tatiana Di Spirito and her incredible crew. Stop by tonight and you can thank me when I see you mañana at the playa!

Back to the last of the surfing action for the day. This guys trying to get stuffed on barrels, but remember to save room for some of that delicious pizza I was telling you about!

Or keep surfing, since I forgot to mention Pizza night is from 6-9, so you have some time. But don’t dilly dally too long because they might run out.

Well that’s my report for today! Thanks for stopping by my amigos. Lets see what we have happening down at the playa mañana for Sunday Funday. Until then, if you’re thinking of partying tonight be safe and hope to see you all back again tomorrow. Cheers ~

Hey amigos! Josh back behind the lens for the next few days. Welcome to Wednesday’s surf report from Panga Drops. It was windier than called for today, but there were still a few decent. waves.

Hello and good afternoon “primos”. We have small waves with good shape in this point break. There are only a few people in the line up and they are beginners. Check it out.

Welcome everybody to the Wednesday NSR surf report with Parker. We are in between swells until the weekend so we had smaller waves and some offshore gusts. Despite the conditions, people still enjoyed their session!

Hola amigos, this morning we made it back to Playa Maderas with the NSR Surf School and Mikah from North Carolina. She wanted to score some faster waves so we decided to make it to the beach with the dropping tide. There were some small but fun waves rolling in and the lineup was almost..