On the first action shot of the day we have “The Beez” bottom turning one of the cleaner rights of the day.Actually he was able to pick up some of the best waves of the day.Not kidding you folks!!!

Classic Nicaragua shot, Chuck “El Presidente” getting ready to go backside with the rail grab .Welcome back down my friend, everything is “TRANQUILO”, uh!

This time only 3 guys were able to made the trip because the other ones had some stuff to do back in the states.Here is caught Rick “El Juez” judging this left with a sweet style.One of the biggest set waves of the day.

How not to miss our buddies: Big Duke enjoying the sunset with the best rum in the world, Mr Eduardo with his sweet style, Juan Lago with his killer maneuvers on the big boards, Sitos always finding the best spot to get a nice shot and of course El Cebollas always taking the best shots around to immortalize the moment for ever.We miss you all guys and hope to see you soon!

There were a few rippers out in the lineup today.Check out this boy working on his backside style on this inside little section.

A couple other guys were out taking a few fun ones.Here is caught this unknown rider hoping to get some shade on this one.

This is Evan going big with a sick floater.Actually we have a nice sequence of this maneuver but there were too many shots to post.If you want to check it out, let us know boy.

Hey amigos! Welcome to Thursday’s surf report from Spot X. The swell didn’t fill in as much as forecasted, but there were still some keepers to be had throughout the day.

Hey what’s up guys, this is Jairo “Come Pan” Panic and “Chewy” with another surf report down here in Nicaragua. Today is a holiday, so the beach is pretty busy. The waves were running about waist to chest high on sets and the offshore wind was lighter that yesterday. Check it out!!!

Welcome to the Saturday surf report. This is Roberto “Lucha Libre” and Mateo “Pledge” bringing the action. The waves were firing today! The swell was pumping and the wind was offshore and there were only seven guys in the water. We heading up north and we got some killer shots and some killer barrels. Check it..