Eric walking up to the lineup, just seconds away from fun and watching how that guy score a sick looking left. Not bad for a last session Eric!

This is Eric, our very good friend. He was with us since March and that allowed him to get super shack and ride many sick waves while he was down. It was really a huge pleasure to have you down here buddy, hopefully you can make it next year.

Eric was ripping it up in his last session. Sweet frontside snap right in the pocket. D-lite taugh him how is done and he learned pretty well.

The left was doing its thing today, so everybody wanted to be on it. This is Dave dropping into a nice sized one.

Unknown buddy trying to get covered on his funboard. It is always worth to try buddy!

Carlos from Marsella Beach was the only local guy out this morning, and he was taking advantage on that. Did I mention that the left was firing?

The last shot of the day goes to Jeremy from Canada pig-dogging this killer left. More waves on tab for tomorrow so stay tuned!

Uhhh, do not forget the second date of the National Surf Circuit at Playa Santana. The conditions look good for this contest so it promise to be fun. Come by and check it out!!!

Hey amigos! Welcome to Thursday’s surf report from Spot X. The swell didn’t fill in as much as forecasted, but there were still some keepers to be had throughout the day.

Hi folks, this is Roberto “Lucha Libre” Garcia bringing you the Monday surf report from somewhere in the pacific coast.Today I drove up to meet with a couple of my old good friends from Virginia Beach.The surf conditions were not the best ones but we were still able to go out and catch a few..

Hey what’s up guys, this is Jairo “Come Pan” Panic and “Chewy” with another surf report down here in Nicaragua. Today is a holiday, so the beach is pretty busy. The waves were running about waist to chest high on sets and the offshore wind was lighter that yesterday. Check it out!!!

Welcome to the Saturday surf report. This is Roberto “Lucha Libre” and Mateo “Pledge” bringing the action. The waves were firing today! The swell was pumping and the wind was offshore and there were only seven guys in the water. We heading up north and we got some killer shots and some killer barrels. Check it..