We got some strong heats through round number 3 first thing in the morning. Mr Sunny Garcia jumped out in the water for his Master and Grand Master heats and he did good in both. Just take a look of one of the many sick turns he pulled off today. About to attack the lip on this right hander!

Did I say something about sick turns? That’s a manfan spray right there!

Right before today’s action this is how the ranking was looking. USA, Hawaii and Japan are battling for the gold!

Hawaiian rippers did pretty well today, they won every heat they surfed in. Kaipo Jaquias going over the top of this little nugget.

A couple of latin surfers had to work really hard to make it into the nex round. Magnun Martinez placed first in his heat but he had to beat down a really good friend of him. Big huge on the beach with Adrian Fernandez after the heat was done.

Martin Passeri, Argentinian ripper got beat down in his heat but he’s still alive into the repecharge rounds. Check him out working on his backside!

Fernando Aguerre, ISA president was chilling all day long on the beach. So stoked to have a nice contest down here in NIcaragua. Welcome down pal!

USA former Dean Randazzo has been putting a good show out there. A few Brazos checking out his style from the beach.

The waves were not big enough to get barreled, but this guy found the way to pull into a few nice drainers. That looks like fun, isn’t it?

Later in the day, it was time for the ladies and Rochelle killed it again. Check out this little sequence we got of her today.

Since mostly all the people in Nicaragua had the day off today because we are celebrating the Revolution Day (It is a big hollyday), quite a good crowd got to the beach to watch some of the action. This view could get even bussier this weekend, I would say!

Shea on the last shot of the day, winning wave in his last repechage heat. That’s all for today folks, please check back tomorrow.

Hey amigos! Welcome to Thursday’s surf report from Spot X. The swell didn’t fill in as much as forecasted, but there were still some keepers to be had throughout the day.

Que pasa amigos? It is Lucha Libre one more time with an early surf report. This morning we took Eric out in his last day in Nicaragua. He was super stoked to get wet before he has to go back to school. The waves were fun, running about chest to head high with some over..

Hi folks, this is Roberto “Lucha Libre” Garcia bringing you the Monday surf report from somewhere in the pacific coast.Today I drove up to meet with a couple of my old good friends from Virginia Beach.The surf conditions were not the best ones but we were still able to go out and catch a few..