The rights were totally dominating the lineup. Check out Aton about to pull into a sick bomba.

Brandon from Hawaii was doing his thing down the beach. Just a little late on the take off.

Did we mention something about the rights dominating the lineup?

There were some lefts coming in, right in front of the river mouth but everyone sat on the rights. I guess nobody wanted to go left today.

Unknown rider about to get locked on this racer. Charging!

Beautiful waves early morning, right before the tide got dead high. You can see the colors on the sky from the dawn!

We had quite a few peaks to share. Eveyone out there was so stoked to get some sweet ones.

Sequence of the day goes to Mel Melon Melocoton. He got so pitted on this one! Dropping in and setting up!

Even deeper and disappeared!

Uhhhh, he might not make it. What do you guys thing?

Oh my god, still going. One of the sickest backside barrels of the year so far.

Finally looking for the door!

That was insane Melo-cochone. You gotta throw a couples bucks on the table, if you want to get this sequence. Nobody else got it for sure. Hahahahaha!!!

The waves were not as consistent as usual, so everybody was so hungry to get some, but you still have to respect the waves. Please charge from the deepest part of the wave and you can have any wave you want, do not snowball in the shoulders. Just getting burned, and probably missing the barrel for the trip. Please respect everyone and everyone will get some sick ones, just charge harder!

The waves were so nice, I guess you can tell judgin’ for this shot. Pale rider with the money shot!

Sam paddled over to the river mouth and he got a few fun ones. Check out the lip on that thing and check this short but sweet sequence.

Trying to make it around and pull into that thing. Dale chabalito!

And getting spitted out. That was a powerful wave.

Yewwwwwww, some coldies will be on the table tonight Sammmmmm! Don’t hit it too hard!

Adrian from LA was getting some nice ones as well. He’s thinking about moving down, and I do not blame him!

Hey amigos! Welcome to Thursday’s surf report from Spot X. The swell didn’t fill in as much as forecasted, but there were still some keepers to be had throughout the day.

What’s going on amigos? This is Lucha Libre Garcia bringing you a little bit of the action we had on the beach for the fifth day of the ISA Master at Playa Colorados. The waves are still running a little small but we got some fun ones coming in as you can see. Check it!

Que pasa amigos? It is Lucha Libre one more time with an early surf report. This morning we took Eric out in his last day in Nicaragua. He was super stoked to get wet before he has to go back to school. The waves were fun, running about chest to head high with some over..

Hi folks, this is Roberto “Lucha Libre” Garcia bringing you the Monday surf report from somewhere in the pacific coast.Today I drove up to meet with a couple of my old good friends from Virginia Beach.The surf conditions were not the best ones but we were still able to go out and catch a few..