Mr. Roberto making it look like he’s the only one out there today! haha

Lindsey giving us a nice example of the the size out there too.

I think there were more ladies out in the water today than the guys? Here’s a few frames from one of Rutci’s barrels.

Stalling enough to get a nice little cover up.

Yeaaahhh Rutci!!

Coming out clean and stoked!!

Afternoon sessions are sometimes some of the best. Just ask this guy!

It was a really good day for everyone, including beginners.

John giving his client a high five after she took so many waves out there today! Nice job buddy!!!

The tide was getting pretty low out there, but the backwash was looking more like a high tide.

Jett, opting for the walk around other than the paddle all the way back out. Here he is watching his little bro take one all the way in.

Yeah little bro, Rio! surfing just like his big brother.

Jett’s doing pretty good…. actually pretty awesome if you ask me! How was your surfing at age 5? He’s killing it!

I’m not sure who this unknown chica ripper is, but she was out there catching a lot of waves as well.

How cool is it that I was able to capture this photo of all the family on one wave??? Moms, Pops, and little Carlitos. This is the epitome of one of our typical “Sunday Family Fundays” here in Nica-Land!

This would be runner up. Just a few of the proud aquatic parents here passing on the surfing bug to their little ones!

Soon, they’ll all be doing it on their own without the help of their parents, like Koji here.

I think Derek and I are the only ones who saw this perfect little peeler out the back. Everyone else was in Toña Land!

Cesar got a standing ovation from this spectator! Jaja sick cutty buddy!

Troy doing the walking on water trick. Nice moves on the log brother!

You know it feels good when there’s any kind of waves to surf. Luckily we should start to see some new and much needed swell in a day or 2.

Hey amigos! Welcome to Thursday’s surf report from Spot X. The swell didn’t fill in as much as forecasted, but there were still some keepers to be had throughout the day.