Barry was the ONLY one out, and here’s a nice size reference for y’all. That’s him on the far far left paddling for a right. Look at how thick that lip is!

Barry must have had the whole lineup to himself for a decent 45 min, maybe an hour, I wouldn’t know since he got out there sometime around 5AM.

The next couple super troopers to paddle out were Asher and his up and coming ripping son Finley. Fin feeling reaaaaaal comfortable in Nicaraguan juice!

And with todays even bigger swell and the perfectly peeling A-Frame waves, it wasn’t too much work to get barreled out of your mind out there this morning.

I was focusing more on the rights for almost 3 hours yesterday. This morning I thought I’d mix it up and park it up the beach a ways more north. Still here you can see the rights were coming in Large and in Charge!

I’d say both sides of the coin today were equally legit and depending on your persuasion, you would easily find yourself exactly in this position at any time of the day today.

Or this, more than likely!

The reef up the road. I saw two people out, but they looked like fleas when going down the faces of these behemoths!

Unknown and so deep, the mystery barrel tactic was almost non-existent! That dude is sooooo pitted! Jaja

I actually saw some photos of Barry pulling into a freight train of a left on a friends timeline online about a half an hour prior to me jamming down as fast as I could.

Here’s “Big-Bear-Dog” after about 2 hours of surfing solid easily DOH surf all by himself this morning.

I so wish I had seen that barrel from earlier in person, but Buzzy takes his photos practically in the dark. I don’t know how he does it??

Just when Barry came in, I had to go run to take care of a couple things, but this amazing sunlight came out, but the other duties called, but it was nice to see some sun for a change!

How was that B-Dog?!?!?! Finally our first legit swell of the year, and your epic marathon session!The tides probably just about dead low or getting there, I might have to make a second session or go check the waves again maybe for the arvo time (aka Sunset time)! If you get out there today, be safe and Enjoy ~Remember, even if you didn’t make the highlights you can always look at the link here for all theDaily Surf Shotsfrom each day, there might be a good chance you’re in there!AND don’t forget to follow us and always check out our current happenings on our daily Instagram stories hereNSRor my photography hereNica Surf Shots

Hey amigos! Welcome to Thursday’s surf report from Spot X. The swell didn’t fill in as much as forecasted, but there were still some keepers to be had throughout the day.

Welcome back for another beautiful week of weather, surf and memorable times for everyone visiting Nicaragua in July. Today wasn’t too big, it was actually friendly fun, meaning great for beginners yet still super rippable for all the visiting talent. Happy Monday Ya’ll!!!