The morning gave us some nice waves, and we went throughout the last rounds of all the divisions. Made a quick break hoping to have better waves for the finals and it was worth it.

We had about 1hour and 25 minutes break, the rain stopped and the waves start to fill in with the tide. A bunch of guys made it out to get some and JJ Kerson was one of the guys out there taking advantage during the break.

Tony Z left his camera on the side and took his board to get some nice ones. Just chilling and enjoying the view!

The right was going off but there were some incredible lefts coming in as well. Welcome to Nicaragua everyone!

This was the last wave of the break, right before we get going with the finals. Classic pig dogging at Playa Colorado.

The ladies went first, as always and the Hawaiian Rochelle had to work hard to win the gold. Check her out about to pull into this mini bump.

She was all smiles after the heat, winning the gold with a decent combo of 8.90. Felicidades chica!

The competition kept going with the Grand Kahuna’s finals. Where all the surfers in the water had the same chance to take the big medal home. Javier Huarcaya from Peru was the lucky man of this heat and he got into a nice score of 14.67.

He was also so excited to be the new Grand Kahuna World Champion. All his friends supported him along the whole contest.

Grand Master was next and here Mr Sonny Garcia did his thing to kill everyone out there. He got a couple of sick barrels during this heat, including the best score of the day 9.93. Check out this little seq!

Setting up for a huge sandy barrel!

Four shots later, Sunny being Sunny!

A couple of shots later, totally covered!

Coming out of the concrete blender!

Yeah Sonny, way to take the gold home. First World tittle after winning the 2000 ASP Tour Tittle.

Kaipo was in this heat as well but he couldn’t take his friend down, even with sick barrels like this one. They put up a nice show out there, for sure.

No doubt Sunny was the man during this final.

Just a quick view of all the action on the beach. Are you in there Chicken de pollo?

We moved to the Kahunas Final, probably the closest final of the entire event. There were some amazing waves during this final as well!

James Hogan, Team USA former got pitted a couple of times and he was showing off on his style. 15.56 was enought to take the Gold. After taking second place last year in Salvador, he was more than happy to take first this year.

We made it to the main division final and the history was kinda the same. Sonny and Kaipo getting the best scores until Magnun Martinez from Venezuela step up and get his show started. The GOLD WINNING WAVE. Dropping in!

Getting slotted!

He came out of the barrel and throw the lip of the back with a cool frontside turn!

Landed it and claimed it. 16.66 combo to beat Sunny Garcia and Kaipo Jaquias!

Since the first day of competition we knew that Hawaii was one of the team to beat. They got the Aloha Cup Gold Medal first but they wanted more!!!

Lets make it over to the podium girls:Rochelle Ballard HawaiiSandra English AustraliaSonia Garcia PanamaLucila Gil Argentina

Grand Kahunas:Javier Huarcaya PeruAllen Sarlo USARod Baldwin AustraliaCraig Schieber Costa Rica

Kahunas:James Hogan USARicky Schaffer USAMike Latronic HawaiiCardozo Junior Brazil

Grand MastersSunny Garcia HawaiiKaipo Jaquias HawaiiJuan Ashton Puerto RicoMark Cameron Australia

MastersMagnum Martinez VenezuelaSonny Garcia HawaiiKaipo Jaquias HawaiiArmando Daltro Brazil

Team Places results: TOP TEN1- Hawaii 6- Peru2- USA 7- Puerto Rico3- Australia 8- Japan4- Brazil 9- Argentina5- Venezuela 10- Costa Rica

Nicaragua signed contract with ISA for the Junior ISA Wold Championship in 2013. 30 countries and around 300 kids for next year. We’ll keep you guys posted on this.

Bonus shots, was it going off? I do not know, i might call this an eight out of ten! Hahahahahahahah!

Hello Tuesday and thanks for tuning back in for daily surf report. We had a slightly smaller but still a lot of fun surf today. @tonyzphotos bringing you the goods.

What’s up folks? Lucha already made it up north tonight and he was able to shot for a little while before dark. It was raining quite a bit but he still worked something out to get some shots for you guys. It was running about chest o shoulder high on sets with nice offshore winds..

Hi folks, we are Chuck “El Presidente” Zauzig and Lucha “The Mayor” Libre bringing you the Thursday surf report. Everyone woke up to sunshine and a cleaned up storn surf. Check out the morning lineup. The waves were kind of fun during the morning,running about chest to head high with a couple over head waves on..