The lining was really bad for photos today but the waves were super fun, as you can see. Unknown rider pig doggin’ a nice little nugget.

Quite a few guys were ripping and they were not even worried about the rain. Going vert on the backhand.

Sweet frontside turn by this brazilian surfer. That’s a man fun spray, isn’t it?

As you can see there were some small but cool little barrel section to pull in. Nice one amigo!

We had some decent sized waves rolling in every once in awhile. Check out this man nabbing a nice left hander.

Hello Tuesday and thanks for tuning back in for daily surf report. We had a slightly smaller but still a lot of fun surf today. @tonyzphotos bringing you the goods.

A weird start for the 8th and last day of the contest from down here at Playa Colorados. This morning all the action began at 8am and the conditions were not the best but there were still some fun waves to be had. Head high plus on the bigger sets, rain and a little bit..

What’s up folks? Lucha already made it up north tonight and he was able to shot for a little while before dark. It was raining quite a bit but he still worked something out to get some shots for you guys. It was running about chest o shoulder high on sets with nice offshore winds..

Hi folks, we are Chuck “El Presidente” Zauzig and Lucha “The Mayor” Libre bringing you the Thursday surf report. Everyone woke up to sunshine and a cleaned up storn surf. Check out the morning lineup. The waves were kind of fun during the morning,running about chest to head high with a couple over head waves on..