Nicaragua Surf Report for Thursday, July 25, 2024

Josh S

Howdy everyone! I have a special Thursday surf report coming your way today! The waves were cranking super hard at Colorados this morning around low-tide. Probably the best pulse I’ve seen in a little bit. Yuji gets to open today’s report with his mom and brother spectating.

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Let’s zoom in and get a bit closer to the action. Yujer with a beautiful takeoff and excellent stall technique. Dragging his left arm, left thigh, and booty.

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Time to ease off the breaks and set his rail for the rush.

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Your patience and approach are paying off Yuji! Here comes the lip pitching overhead. Just as anticipated.

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A sand-bottom and friendlier barrel that resembles Pipeline. Still exciting, but not as hazardous (and crowded) as real Pipe.

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Yuji has gotta be loving the view right now. Yuji and his brother Koji are good youngsters who are respectful and well mannered. I’m pleased to see them reaping the rewards of their years of practice and training here as well as good Karma for how they handle themselves and treat others.

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Yuji’s nearly pulled it off. He can’t afford to make any minor mistakes here. To win the battle, but lose the war is no fun indeed.

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A trivial make for Yujer. Child’s play haha.

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If the barrel wasn’t enough, he subsequently slashed the face in half.

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Vinny was also an All-Star of this morning’s low-tide window. He has good style and loves lefts. He was like a pig in mud today.

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An unknown rider getting his money’s worth of his vacation / trip here. Many people spend hundreds to thousands and sometimes even tens of thousands of dollars with the objective of experiencing what this guy right here is experiencing. But some consumer’s goods can’t be purchased with money in life. They are the product of consistent practice, training, and/or a lifestyle.

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Vinny isn’t afraid of getting a bit sandy in the pit! It adds to the experience in a unique manner.

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Inside the dark dungeon. That is the perspective from inside a sandy, but hollow barrel.

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Good work getting deep Vinny. But can you make it out?

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And just in the nick of time Vinny snuck out from underneath the lip.

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Mission accomplished. Hit target.

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Colorados in true form we love it. Thankfully I managed to grab a few keepers today too.

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Bodyboarding is fun, but no matter who it is lying on this board in this exact spot they will be hard pressed to generate enough drive to make this deep barrel given the boxy rails and lack of fins on bodyboards. Not to mention one can’t shift their weight as drastically while prone as compared to standing.

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Avery’s surfing has come a long way in the month or two that he has been here. Nice wrap buddy!

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Asher charging through this barrel with his “javelin” extended and ready for attack haha!

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Now for section 2 Asher decided to showcase a relaxed and totally controlled and composed style. Asher has incredible style and he was holding it down for the over 30 crew today haha! I hope I can surf like him in 10 years.

Josh S

Another empty drainer to tickle your imagination and desire. It’s been better and less crowded this month relative to last month. And relative to earlier this month haha. Anyways it was an epic Thursday here in Iguana and if the photos don’t appeal to you, then I don’t know what else would haha. Anyways, I’ll see y’all Saturday as Tony Z returns tomorrow to cover the report.