Ok today’s skinny on the waves: small, low tide, and some offshore gusts. This is what we call flat in Nicaragua: shoulder high. In Virginia, this would be epic! For us here, we are resting and taking it easy (I’m guessing you’ve already seen next week?!)

So, a mellow morning floating around the reef break. Actually, floaters are on the funnest tricks in the bag to bust out here. The offshores lift up your board and you practically get stuck on the lip until you air drop back into the wave. You’re gonna have to work with me and imagine the waves being quadruple the size…

This cutback may not seem very impressive but this hombre executed it perfectly. When it’s small and windy (and knowing you’re surfing a mushy wave), you can’t stuff your turns super high on the wave or under the lip. You’re best off playing it conservatively.

I’m a big fan of this guys surfing too. Sometimes you get hung up in the soft slow spot and you have to do whatever it takes to connect! Floaters, cutbacks, and some style sum up exactly how you should surf this wave.

Remember, this isn’t a beach break… Though it’s probably any where from 4 to 6ft deep where you surfing at low tide.

With this low tide, I saw a ton of finger mullets stuck inside. That makes me think the locals will be fishing for jacks, macks, roosters, or maybe even a snook! Hopefully the winds stay light and the fish stay hungry.

And the pelicans stay hungry. How would you feel being that guy and watching the bird dive right next to you? Haha that’s a funny story to tell your kids.

The low tide is shaping the beach and Mother Nature is showing her creative beauty. Low tide sand, sunny skies, and a light breeze made this morning gorgeous! Hopefully you had some time to walk the beach.

Alright guys, we are going to change gears and show you some more good stuff. Yes the surf is fun but we like to show off the other great aspects of the community. Keep scrolling down!

On Tuesday afternoons, Iguana hosts the weekly scramble. $25 gets you your cart, clubs, green fees, food afterwards, and a cold refreshing Tona to wash down the food (or bad scores). These informal tournaments are super fun and always a crowd pleaser.

All three of us are all teed off on hole #2 (yes, they recently rearranged the course) so let’s see where we lie!

Hole #2 is so awesome because you get a bonus 200 vertical feet on your drive. Back to sea level, the fare ways are looking good! Combining the grounds crew hard work and frequent rains, everything is really pretty and fresh.

My mind is in the fare way but my ball isn’t. Well, we do play best ball so I’m not sure what that says about Blake and Stu’s drive 🙂

Stewart giving it a go and trying to get us into greener pastures. He is not an avid golfer so the scramble was a great way to spend a lay day afternoon, enjoy some cervezas, and make some memories with the boys.

Well ummm his shot wasn’t exactly perfect, unless perfect is the opposite fare way and deep in the woods. To his defense, it was a very tricky shot and he had a great attitude hanging with us. Making lemonade with those lemons!

Alright Blake, whatcha got bro? Solid stroke, good divit, and closer to the hole?

Looks like we are back on my ball. Keep hanging with me folks! This is a long par 5. Though it’s a 9 hole course and weaves around the neighborhood, there are tons of fun holes! Long par 5s, short tight 3s, plenty of sand and water (maybe too much for my likings), a couple of dog leg lefts and rights, and of course, the dreaded Ulrick’s Folly hole…

Stuey, did you find your ball yet? Maybe you can go look for it at Popoyo or Mag Rock?

Blake, you play golf well man. Did you say you competitively surf row or golf? Maybe Ian passed down those athletic genes, huh?

On a serious note, we have a lot of fun during these afternoons: hitting balls around, drinking beers, and heckling our friends. But, let’s not get carried away, disrespect the course, or make those long hot sunny work days any harder for the grounds crew. Let’s have fun and get a little loose but make sure we’re still taking good care of the place.

A quick chip and we’re up on the green!!

This shot is proof that Stuby dooby do can indeed hit the ball straight!! Zoom in and look harder. Yeah Stueyyyyy!!

Ok lying four and time to see how our short game goes. Blake up first and just a hair off. Do you call those shots frustrating because you missed by an inch (or 2.54 centimeters because I’m playing with Aussies) or are you low key stoked that you were that close? Regardless, the cooler is full of cold beer and that usually helps.

“I excel under pressure” – Stu Haven

Stubert sinking the putt! Rough start but you just sealed the par for us bro. Good stuff brotha!

Always smiling, always joking around, always looking for a good time, and always celebrating those small victories. Like I said, 10/10 attitude.

Yeah, always celebrating and always enjoying a cold one too! You earned it with that clutch putt. Even if you didn’t earn it, I don’t know that I could tell a 47 year old man what to do and not.

Before we wrap it up, let’s give one more shoutout to all those behind the scenes. The local Nicaraguans are the ones putting those long days in to make sure all is perfect for us. Also, thank you to the Pro Shop staff who organizes the admin side and helps make this happen. We appreciate your hard work and y’all deserve that cold Tona more than we do.

Ok everybody, time to wrap things up for today’s report. I hope you enjoyed a few of those beach shots and liked seeing some golf shots (we sure enjoyed that part). Y’all have a good rest of the week! Adios amigos.

Hello Tuesday and thanks for tuning back in for daily surf report. We had a slightly smaller but still a lot of fun surf today. @tonyzphotos bringing you the goods.

Hey everyone, welcome to Tuesday Surf Report from Santana beach. The conditions are a little bit bigger than yesterday, with small peaks breaking both ways.