Nicaragua Surf Report for Sunday, August 03, 2008

Hi everybody this is Jairo “Come Pan” Panic with the Sunday surf report from on the beach. Today the waves were running about to shoulder to head high on sets. The wind was offshore and the water was clear and warm. Also there were a lot of jellyfish in the water today.  Check it out.

Today was a pretty Sunday and a lot of people decided to pass the day on the beach and have a good time. For first surf shot, we have Dorwin “EL Chulin” Estrella bottom turning on a nice looking left.

For the next shot we have an unknown rider working hard on a nice right. This guy was out there taking a bunch of fun waves. He has been really enjoying the waves today.

Today we caught Jensi “El Peliguey” in the water showing us how to make a really fun snap on a good left. He said I do not surf a lot, but when I feel to surf I killed the waves like that!!

This is another surf shot of Norwin “EL Chulin” Estrella with a sick off the top turn on one of the best set waves of the day.

In today's report we are bringing you the action from NSR Surf School - Nicaragua's first and only surf school. We provided lesson for two Nicaraguan friends visiting from Miami. These guys have surfed before, but never had this much fun. Here we have the first student, Alejandro Puente, taking off on a nice wave. This guy was really excited about a lot of waves he took today.

The second student is Alfonso Hernandez riding on a good looking right and showing his friend his skill on the board. These guys were having a really great time out there. Good job Buddy.

Alright guys this is the last shot of the day and the crew is ready to relax  after long day with a cold Tona. Please stay tuned with us tomorrow. Come Pan out!!!

This just in from the reefs up north - Pancho tags another nice sized Roosterfish with the speargun!