Nicaragua Surf Report | Photo from August 10, 2006 at 12:57 AM

Speaking of fun - today marks Hot Carl's last day in the Boogie Board contest. Surprisingly, he managed to take down some of the biggest names in the sport on the way to the semi-finals. People like Kimo "drop knee" Ka'holoeaa from Hawaii and local legend, Nacho "360" Vasquez. Such a feat is unheard of in the Boogie world and people all around were asking "Who is this Hot Carl?". So, we left amidst a bit of controversy - If you ask me, HC should have advanced - and shunning the consolation round and certain notariety in the Boogie world. The only vow from Hot Carl was that he would "be back". Good stuff my friend! I hope to be there with you.

< See the entire Nicaragua Surf Report for 08-10-2006