This week I’ll be taking picture of this nice crew from LA. This is the first time they come down and they love it so far, we just gotta make sure to score some good waves. Here is the crew getting ready to paddle out in their first sesh down here.

Before they decided to paddled out we checked out a few spots on the way to there. Here is one of them, nice looking shot of a very strange beach. There were some fun sets coming in at this spot but it was a little inconsistent, might be the swell direction or the tide.

Right when we showed to this spot a huge set came in and make a couple guys on the beach to take they boards back home. I guess nobody would like to get this one on the head. We have to say that this was the inside section, think about how big was in the lineup.

A couple of sick perfect lefts and rights were coming through and here is the proof. Would you like some of this?

This is Miles the big boss rocking down the line of this beautiful right hander. This guy charges!!!

Tons of good waves came in all the way to the beach with no takers. Shot 1!

This is Mike, one of the guys of the crew I am taking photos for. He was able to catch a couple of really nice waves today.

On the way out we saw a couple of killer set waves rolling in at this spot. Actually there were a few guys out but almost nobody was taking waves.

Not a better way to finish the day that drinking an ice cold tona. The swell is supposed to drop a little bit tomorrow but it still be overhead, check back with us.

What’s up folks this is the evening installment of the Reporte del Norte (yeah Chewy I said it). The beach break here was on fire all day. Barrels like these were in plentiful supply. There weren’t many takers, with so much water moving it wasn’t as easy to get the right one as it looked.

With a little help from the jetski the crew from GIgante John, Bubby, Mateo, and Taco were making it look easy. Here is Mateo with plenty of speed looking to back door a hollow section.

Here is Chris “Bubby” Polovina picking his line with a little body English.

A couple frames later he pulls in with room to spare.

It wasn’t all fun and games out there. There were a few serious waves just waiting to take you out. An otherwise sick session goes wrong as the boys pull off the wave in front of this one and stall out at the worst possible moment.

Without time to start the ski back up and get the hell out of there, the boys are forced to abandon ship and dive for the bottom.

We had to include this last shot in the sequence for pure shock value.

Once back on the beach the ski was intact but worse for wear….and drawing a crowd. Donations for repairs will be taken at Pie de Gigante restaurant. Located in the town of Gigante this restaurant is a must if you haven’t already heard – props on the spicy sausage pasta and fish tacos.

Hey everyone, this is Eric with some extra coverage from the more southern beaches of Nica! As you can already tell, the coast lit up today with some insane waves. This is Oliver Stolis, basically about to jump off a cliff. He made the drop on this wave, then proceeded to get slammed when it closed out on him!

This is exactly where you don’t want to be when a big set comes through! Our man Pancho is probably thinking “oh s**t”. Preparing for a beat down!

The girls were charging today too. Check out this sick shape, I’ve been seeing a lot more quads around recently. Unknown chica about to paddle out into pumping surf, she may be slightly undergunned!

Givin’ a shout out to our buddy Matt, taking off behind the peak of this solid wave!

This is what happens when a big, open ocean swell suddenly slams into a rock. Boom!

This is me looking back at a thick lip that was about to send me down and into the washing machine. If you’re going to straighten out and run from a big wave, chances are that it will catch you!

Pancho and I on a jungle walk in search of the perfect wave! All in all it was a great day, we took some beatings but we also got some sick ones. Tomorrow we are headed to a secret spot that knows nothing but monstrous barrels! You’re not going to want to miss the action! Be sure and check back to NSR! Gracias and buenos noches!

Hey amigos! Welcome to Thursday’s surf report from Spot X. The swell didn’t fill in as much as forecasted, but there were still some keepers to be had throughout the day.

Hi folks, this is the NSR Family bringing you all the action for the Friday surf report. The waves were super fun today, running well over head on sets but it was very inconsistent. The wind was messing around all day long but we still scored some good ones. Check out the lineup!!!