Same guy, a couple of shots later. This image is mag quality, high-res and crystal clear so it can be blown up BIG – so if anybody knows this guy, let him know we have a sick shot of him up on NSR and it’s available for $20 if he wants it. And yes…it was going off today in Nicaragua!

We also want to throw down a special shout out to our bro Kevin from Rland – Kevin was charging today and got some super sick ones, mostly when the camera was in the camera bag. At least we got this one – check it out man, you made it on NSR! (Maybe next time Mike!)

Special Thanks to part-time Nica resident photographer Jan Glen for sending in these next few shots. Today was a killer day for a lot of reasons – one of them being that all kinds of different spots were lighting up – this is one example of a wave that doesn’t break that often, but when it does – you can usually have it all to yourself!

We’d also like to file a missing surfer report for Nicaragua.

Hey man, check you out! We don’t know you but you made it on NSR with one of the best shots of the day! Thanks Jantana for the photos!

Hello and Happy Sunday to all our viewers. @tonyzphotos back on the report after snowbirding in Panama. We have some sunshine and fun surf in the water today. Dive in for a look.