There were not many surfers out because we did not have many waves to be taken. Here we have this unknown rider trying to do a floater on this little nugget.

Some other people spent their time cleaning the beach up. This is one of the locals doing a really good job all by himself!!!

It’s always a good idea to paddle out with your girlfriend when the waves are small. You guys look so sweet together!

Corage was taking advantage of every single wave that came in. Here he is with the best shot of the day. Nice one dude!!!

The waves are supposed to be small for the next few days but it looks like we are going to have a push in the swell this weekend. You gotta be ready to paddle out and catch some fun ones.

Well, when the waves get small, the best thing to do is go fishing…and that’s just what the Surfari crew did. I tell you they must have some kind of pargo hole up there because these guys are pulling out some MONSTER sized fish lately. This is Capt. Lance Moss, showing he’s equally skilled with the speargun.

This is Gorgeous George, looking good for the underwater shot.

Chef Jeff jumped in on the action this trip and was rewarded with a Monster Pargo of his own. Look at the eye on that thing!

Looks like Jimbo Taylor got himself one too!

Here is the Surfari crew displaying the spoils after a solid day of spearfishing! Nice work guys….and if you are looking to get in on the action yourself, remember that Surfari is running a killer special for their all inclusive surfing and fishing trips this month – 25% off! Come on down and GET SOME!

Hello and Happy Sunday to all our viewers. @tonyzphotos back on the report after snowbirding in Panama. We have some sunshine and fun surf in the water today. Dive in for a look.

Hi everybody, this is Jairo “Come Pan” Panic and Roberto “Lucha Libre” Garcia bringing you the Tuesday surf report. The wind is still blowing onshore, as you can see the waves weren’t very good, it was running about waist to chest high on sets, the water is brown like chocolate milk. We want to share..

What’s happenin’ folks, Pancho here with Sunday’s Surf Report. Roberto is off, studying away today so we went out and took our own pictures. We’ve got some solid swell in the water, not quite as big as last weekend, but easily overhead on sets. The wind is also cooperating all day today, which is nice..