The swell definitely dropped a little bit today, started out a little slow this morning and a little inconsistent. You just had to be in the right spot and wait it out, and the right wave would come eventually. Here’s Kurt, with that “right” one.

There wasn’t too many lefts coming in this swell, but when they did they were still holding open pretty nice. This guy jumped off the boat and stalled nicely into this sweet left!

Another sick draining left! Somebody making the best of it and finding some shade..yew!

Carlos managed to dig up another board, after breaking one yesterday on a sick bomb. I don’t know how he does it, but seems to find that magic wave every time he paddles out.

The waves seemed like they were starting to get a little better as the morning went on. Check out this guy on this nugget…”pull in!”

The wind picked up a little bit making the drops a little harder to make, this guy’s going vertical on this one! Hang on! Check out the guy on the inside left corner, another broken board! Just another day at the beach!

Another day in paradise boys! Hope you got out in the water today and caught a piece of the action, we’ll see you out there tomorrow. Adios amigos!

Toni Z got super xtremo today and he wanted to say hi to his friends so does, The Rat, he wants to say hello to all his friends in Miami. Doing what he does best. Aloha Rata!

Hello and Happy Sunday to all our viewers. @tonyzphotos back on the report after snowbirding in Panama. We have some sunshine and fun surf in the water today. Dive in for a look.

Well, the weather went to S*#! overnight and we have stormy conditions and onshore winds on top of our XXL swell (Bummer). Lucha is going to be putting up some photos of something (I don’t know what) later, but we are stoked to bring you this bonus shot from yesterday in the meantime. This is..

We know all our east coast boys are frothing today with Hurricane Earl swell. Hope you guys are getting some good ones! Before we get to the waves down here, we wanted bring a killer opportunity to your attention. NSR just received this listing inside Playa Colorado and not only is it a screaming deal,..