This was right at about happy hour time. The sun was setting, lots of folks were down along the beach enjoying themselves and somehow this empty wave snuck by where nobody bothered surfing. Looks like a fun little sand bar down that way… maybe??

This guy had the right idea and found himself his own little sand bar to sit on and try and make some barrels.

There were actually some nice sand bars all up and down the beach. You just had to find one and wait for the good sets to roll through.

Conditions were pretty clean, I’d say. Almost glassy, a little wind, but very light.

Tide was dropping out too, which made it little more racy, but you can tell people were really trying and looking for the good barrels this evening.

Even if it was a small one AND you can squeeze into it, it’s still a barrel.

The only thing you have to always remember is, “when the wave breaks here, don’t be there, or you get a new part in your hair”!

There was a little carnage out there, but you can’t improve if you don’t push your surfing to the next level.

It wasn’t just all about surfing out there too. We had people practicing and honing their balancing skills.

As well as some intense volleyball action going down also. There’s always something fun going on around here.

Check this little Niña grom, putting on a little clinic for this bigger hombre grom.

Some locals were out there ripping it up too.

I think this spot had the best sand bar, I saw a few little spitters down this way. Check out how shallow it is though!

Perfect little tee-pees abundantly all over. Wait, is that Big Foot? What is that beast of a thing coming out of the water???

Ohhh, haha its Parker, AKA HotSticksHannahs, AKA Bay Watch. Dude, no wonder you’re ripped like Hasselhoff. Did you just come in from a free dive/swim at the outer indicator reef. You might have just acquired another nickname Hermano! Aqua-man!

I almost forgot to throw in a photo from our other break up the way… there were some really nice sets coming in up there too! Check it!

Hey everyone! Welcome to an action packed Saturday surf report. Pangas was on fire this morning and so were the surfers!

Hello my brothers. We still surfing in the morning, because the onshore wind keep coming in the afternoon. The waves are good with tubes and walls to turns. There are two peaks with lefts and rights with some overhead waves. Check it out.