I’ll kick off today’s report with an epic barrel sequence by an unknown rider.

His pig-dog form was good which enabled him to drag his booty and slow down for the shade.

Here’s the setup for section numero dos.

Pulling the disappearing act again 🙂

You can’t hide! We still see you through that crystal clear lip.

And a clean exit to finish! Bravo, bravo!

This guy definitely took the cake for combo wave of the day.

Speed = 10 Power = 10 Flow = 10

Dang, this guy’s check turn is more powerful that my “proper turn” haha XD

And a nice lofty spinner to polish the ride. There have been some serious rippers here in Iguana this month.

Josee was on a mission to slay giants today during the high tide surf window.

Josee was the most stoked of all the surfers I saw today. This left was definitely a solid one. I mean look at that whitewater detonating from the lip behind her here.

John Gillem was sliding across some large left walls as well.

Huuuu! Josee on another bomb! Way to stick the drop! Next step is going to be pulling into some tubes 🙂

Here we go, she’s starting to open up across the wave face! That’s what I like to see.

She was a bit late to initiate the bottom turn (get down the line), so she made a smart game time decision to straighten out and avoid getting blown up by the thick lip.

The waves, even at high tide, were faster than they looked from the shore. Even John G was getting stuck behind sections on the big ones and having to straighten out. John is a tall dude, so how big do you reckon this wave was?

The fabled “10ft whitewater” that beginner surfers always tell me about haha! This is what real 10ft whitewater looks like, not what you see at Cornwall haha.

Pizzaaazzz! A textbook “fanning” top-turn.

Followed up by a critical coping blast provided by the frothy-whitewater wave face. Another ripper on the loose.

Yeah… There were some bombs today. I saw at least 5 waves break at our little mini piece of outer reef at Colorados.

Ok viewers, that’s all I’ve got for today. I hope you enjoyed the bonus action and powerful surf. Thank goodness it finally showed up, I was beginning to think it would be the year without a Santa Claus. Tomorrow looks like it should be epic (again), so be sure to pop back by. I hope you’re cruising out of this weekend with as much style as Mike Doan pictured here!

Hello Monday, The surf dropped off in a bit today, That’s ok for the reef break up the beach. @tonyzphotos bringing you todays action.

Hello All! Welcome back for another awesome day here in Nica. The waves are a bit smaller today but they still fun, it’s a pretty hot day outside so it feels so good to jump in the ocean and catch a few waves even if they aren’t those normal head high bombs that we’re used..

Happy Friday Nica surf fans! Wow what an incredibly beautiful day or should I say the weather and especially the lighting and water color was so crystal clear and vibrant. We even have a little bump in swell… but the winds were a bit onshore, but that never seems to keep the people out of the..