Three guys out, consistent little waves…it was actually pretty fun out there tonight. It looks like we’ve got some good swell setting up for later this week and into the weekend so stay with us on that. This is Mike.

Hey, this is cool. We had a group at the NSR beach house a few weeks back and they left some boards with us. The only instructions were to “give them to some locals who need and deserve them”. Well, we finally found the two guys and even though the pictures don’t show it – they were stoked! This is Milton from Limon, who loves to surf, but until now has been sharing a twice broken and repaired board with his twin brother.

This is Juan, also from Limon. He’s never owned his own surfboard. He’s always had to borrow one from a friend. Not anymore Juan – you just got sponsored by NSR! Special thanks to Krister, Garet and Mike for the surfboard donations.

Another side note – Hot Carl secretly constructed a burning man replica in honor of the Black Rock ritual which took place last night. Missing the festival for the first time in four years, HC felt it wouldn’t be right unless we somehow celebrated here in Nicaragua. This was early on, at the pizza place in SJDS, man watching. You could imagine the looks and questions we got from the locals.

Trying to explain “Burning Man” to somebody who doesn’t know is difficult enough in english. It’s near impossible in Spanish and to locals who’ve never left San Juan Del Sur. After a while, I started saying “it’s a ritual to bring good waves”, to which they would nod and say “OK”. Anyway, we stuck him in the busiest intersection in town and lit him on fire with kerosene and diesel fuel – please don’t try this at home. After drawing a small crowd and one dancing man, he burned for a while and then fell face first in the street. Mission accomplished, Hot Carl smiled and went home happy.

Hi, this is Roberto with the surf report and spanish class for today. It’s chest to head high on sets and the wind is offshore out here at Maderas. Today I asked some locals, Do you want to surf? and they told me these words: We are waiting for the swell.

Here is Kambute, he always wants to get wet.

This is CRAZY DAVE with a bottom turn at Machete pt.

TODAY’S SPANISH CLASS: Aqui esta Piolin cortando atraz. Here is Piolin cutting back.

Hello and Happy Sunday to all our viewers. @tonyzphotos back on the report after snowbirding in Panama. We have some sunshine and fun surf in the water today. Dive in for a look.