The three peaks in the beach are working with more walls and tubes than yesterday. The conditions are good and looks like the offshore wind will be good all day.

Around eighty percent of the waves were perfect today. We have a swell coming from 265* west, with eight second period and is making the waves open a lot, even when is ending, the wave still open.

Here is one of the bumps of the morning. This wave was overhead fur sure. The left are good, but the rights are like a dreams.

The wave is not breaking fast. The surfer are taking the wave a little easy, check the time of this surfer to have for be ready to the tube.

Check this little nugget with this thick lip. Probably the people is waiting for the high tide, because the lineup was light in the morning.

Kevin Cortez was destroying the waves like always. Here he is taking off the top of the wave, putting the fins out the water.

Oscar was super deep in couple waves. He probably was around seven second in this barrel. Today was another good day in the paradise.

Here is one of the visitor getting his part of the cake. Today there are a lot of opportunity of get out of a tube. The swell is dropping a little bit for the next three days, but hopefuly not to much.

Some surfer will be with a big smile after this surf session. We always see one of the best days of the year for surf in September, we will see how it goes this month.

Of all the waves in my country this is one of the beaches who take almost all the swell directions and work so much better when there is a combo swell.

If you don’t want to be pounching for the waves during low tide, wait for the high tide, will be probably bigger and soft and the water will be glassy, after the the rain is going on now.

Hey everyone! Welcome to an action packed Saturday surf report. Pangas was on fire this morning and so were the surfers!

Hello primos, The swell is building up. All the points are working already. The sets are coming constantly and all day long the waves have a good shape. Check it out.