We arrived to this spot and it was a little lackluster at first, but it started to get better as the tide dropped out some more.

This is the face you make when you hit a sport early in the morning and it’s glassy with no-one out, but you and your friends.

Plenty of room to move about the playing field and plenty of time since we had all day, so it was like a conveyer belt with waves.

Fabio (aka – el pelado) had this place dialed in with so many turns.

Isn’t that right, cara! Boom!

Even though he’s a regular footer, Sano was in heaven today with these lefts (which we’re quite famous for here in Nicaragua).

His backside attack was on fire!

On the contrary, we have occasional rights here, not necessarily at this particularly named break, but heck anything is possible.

Rafa Nichele says Yup, this place is ALLL-RIIIIGHT!!!!

Waves in the chest to head high range makes for a good day, any day.

ESPECIALLY when those chest to head high waves are shared by just you and your amigos.

Surfed this place until we figured it might be time to go check on some other places that fancy a different tide at this point. We’re 1 for 1, so why not see how our luck is panning out…

Well, what do ya know! Today’s our lucky day.

Eat some late morning paddle fuel, jump back in the the 80 degree water and start round two.

Being that we’re 2 for 2, right Beto!

This place usually gets a bit windy with our normally expected offhsore’s that pick up as the day progresses. But as you can see here, the wind was sleeping in a little late today and left us with a few glassy ones. Mr. Taffa isn’t complaining one bit.

A few of the boys and I were pretty stoked to find some rights today, it’s a regular footer thing I think.

Even if there were some lefts to be had, we don’t wave discriminate.

Earlier I mentioned how on fire Sano was on the backside lefts, well here is his frontside attack.

I think he’s pretty happy with how fun it was today.

This spot was working in both directions, but as a water photographer, unfortunately, I can only sit on one side.

and this is what it looks like when I do the in-be-tweener thing. Yaaa, I get waves on my head. hahaha but was fun and all well worth it!

Rafa Borin (the other Rafa in the crew) setting up for what looks to be a pretty sick maneuver here….

SLASH!!! Sick one irmão!!!

Boa~~~Tudo Bem!!!

Sometimes when the waves are good, it’s hard to part ways with them… hence the phrase, “One Last Wave”, then its back to the boat? Nobody wants to make the call, so maybe the noddle arms are the final say in this discussion, I guess? A long as I still have battery and room on my CF cards, I can swim all day!

So that’s it for today, not only to my new good friends from the south, but I hope all you readers out there enjoyed as well. If you ever wanna get away for a day, let Parker aka HotSticksHannahs help you out with dialing you in with a trip like we had today, or swing by the new NSR office to check it out there. One way or another we’ll try our best to help make your trip all that more memorable like this one we had today! !Buenas Noches! SBS is pooped and I’m OUT! ~

What a Wednesday! Our favorite beach break came back to life. Reborn the Monster!

Hey everyone! Welcome to Tuesday’s surf report from a confidential peak haha! The swell definitely showed up this evening and was our first dose of real swell in some time.

Hey everyone! Welcome to Monday’s surf report from Panga Drops. The waves were better this morning than the prior mornings, and were worse in the afternoon than the past few afternoons. So a bit of a change in the favorable windows. The wind was really light this morning and the crowd was nonexistent. Asher hard..

Hey friends!!!. We have another good morning of surf during the low tide. The offshore wind still perfect and peaky. The locals were killing the tubes. Check it out.