Two happy trigger people of the non NRA-kind (whom I can happily call my friends) putting down the cameras today for a little R&R out in the water, with surfboards.

Tony Roberts has been putting in a pretty good amount of surf time, being that it’s slowed down a bit. That doesn’t necessarily mean his surfing has slowed, though. TR speed-lining it and about to put his stylish trademark backhand wrap on this helpless little wave.

Jeison was out for a while before this photo was even taken. Which isn’t anything out of the norm. He surfs pretty much all day.

Tony Z, the other gun slinger, opted for the LB today.

Not to be confused with his weapon of choice. His go to board is usually his shortboard, or maybe even a step-up. But that’s really only the other time he likes to sneak out when he’s not shooting. When it’s really BIG and firing and most people are too scared to paddle out.

Speaking of guys who like the ride mountains, Hot Carl showed up with his big board for small waves. Complete polar opposites of what he’s usually doing. Take a look back through our history of reports and check him surfing the big outer reefs our last big swell.

Ironically, today was a fun filled day with mostly people, friends and surfers alike who all call this place home.

The traveling surfer to local ratio today was like ladies night at Don’s. If you’ve been then you know what I’m referring to. Mannequin thrown in there for good measure and reference. 🙂

This guy, I think, had a pretty good idea with his very flat paddling twinny that can catch a lot of waves.

But by the looks of it, he might of needed just a little more rocker right about… here!

Now this is what I’m talking about. This is what this board is made for, and this wave suits him just fine.

Señor Caliente taking off on what looks like (color-wise) a sick left at Outer Reef. Only a few feet smaller…. oh and minus the VW size boils.

Big or small, Carlito didn’t get his moniker from is devilish good looks alone.

Step back Kai Lenny, we have a new aerialist in the making. HC trying out his super man on a 9’6”.

I bet you didn’t know this, but we have our very own PC Teenage Mutant Ninja turtles.

This is one of them, but he’s already out fighting crime. Or in this case, punishing nasty closeouts.

The other Ninja is Lesther. He’s one of the quietest & stealthiest of the gang, but his surfing speaks loudly in volumes.

The turtles always make their way back to the sea. ALWAYS!

Hayden isn’t a crime fighting Ninja Turtle, but he does have a wrap that could be considered villainous.

One of Tati’s dreams is to get the barrel of her life here. I’d say given our fortunate location and consistency of perfect barrels throughout the year, her dreams are 99.9% sure to come true. the .1% is sticking the drop…. and pulling in! Piece of cake, Tati! You got this!

TR playing Slash of Guns & Roses today for his followers of his rock & roll and stoke inspired youtube fans world wide. It’s not too often you get to see talent like this on both sides of the lens.

If Ninja turtles really surfed. It’d look something like this.

Or this.

Michelangelo throwing some paint around.

Leonardo giving a little lesson to a TMNT fan paddling back out

TZ putting his glide sliding skills to test on the perfect day.

Tony has eyeballs in the back of his head, which is why he’s always getting the shots when he’s out shooting. Looks like it’s beneficial to his surfing as well.

Here’s an image just to show you not only how beautiful it was out today, but how empty it was. Only two dudes paddled out.

Now here’s an image that shows how different the lineups were out there. Usually the LB’s gravitate to this spot while everyone is usually on their shortboards at the beachie. Then again, looks like there were some nice sized sets down at the reef.

Ok, for contrast, and what I’m gonna go ahead and call the wave of the day.

Hayden nabbing a thicky!!!

Check the lipper on that thing. Mmmmmm!!!

Or was it all an illusion??? Hmmmmm???

Well, whatever your choice of board is, don’t forget that we have tons of boards to choose from to rent, so you don’t have to even bother bringing down your board; which in turn puts more Toña money in your pocket! Check out our quiver herewww.surfnsr.com/nicaragua-surfboard-rentalsand book something you see that you like in advance.

Kevin “Michelangelo” Cortez stylishly cross stepping on his last dance of the day in the waves.

Alright my surf and TMNT fans everywhere. “Cowabunga!!!” Sometimes when it’s small we gotta get a little creative, so hopefully today was one of those days that kept you a little entertained.

Hello Monday, The surf dropped off in a bit today, That’s ok for the reef break up the beach. @tonyzphotos bringing you todays action.

Hola Surf NSR friends. Today, me and a few new friends packed it up super early and headed to some other locations en la mañana. Check it out to see what we scored for surf today. Enjoy ~