You ever heard of the term “it’s so easy it’s like shooting fish in a barrel”? Well, if you can zoom in close enough, you can see that that’s Aurita snagging a fun wave with…. you guessed it, a real Nica style hand-line in her mouth with the fishing line going back out to sea. #whoneedsagoprowhenyouhaveahandline

And you guessed it again… her in a barrel. Gettin’ in done girl!!!!

I’ve always been a big fan of the vertical 12 o’clock top turn. Used to love seeing them in surf mags when I was a teenager. Such a classic of all the maneuvers!!!

I’m sure Antonella is going to be a fan of her latest pic I got of her, this evening. Eyes on the prize and looking down the line. Sick one chica!!!!

Can’t say enough about the soon to be birthday boy super GROM Mike Doan. He’s got more energy than half the local kids out there.

Hayden doing his best and most perfect “Heisman trophy” impersonation.

The rippers were out and it’s only gonna get more lit up with crazy talent over the next few days as people start to trickle in for the OSSC!

What’s the OSSC you ask? Its the Annual Oakley Surf Shot Challenge and as always it’s especially rad to see non-other than ASF here early getting warmed up.

Of course the local kids will be out there giving all the pros, semi pros and shop legends a run for their money on the warmup-days.

Even the regular visiting surfers will be out there mixing it up with some of the industry’s finest.

Sorry, so a couple frames back I address one of the surfers as ASF (I’m used to using acronyms), his actual name is Austin Smith Ford, from Santa Cruz.

He’s been here a lot, so he knows this wave very well. As you can see!

I wish they’d have a retro board with single or twin fin type of contest here. I know my buddy Colin would take 1st, easily!!!

Me getting ASF getting the air camera shot!

I think the OSSC is gonna have quite possibly one of the best events ever here this year as they’ve timed it perfectly with a really nice swell set to arrive here around the 10th. We shall see!!!

Hey amigos! Welcome to Friday’s surf report from Panga Drops. The swell continued to fade today, but there were still some decent waves if you knew where to look.

Happy Tuesday everyone! Today we had some really fun waves out front and the place was filled with all of the regulars and then some, so come check it out!