Derek was one of the lucky few to be out there for the magic morning hour.
And it looks like the early bird gets the tube!
or a few tubes since the tide was draining out and the barrels were abundant!
The best and most clean conditions for today by far.
Way more lefts out there today than the rights. But there were a few. Lesther having a little bit of tubos para desayuno.
Carlos made it out too for the morning shenanigans.
This is the kind of shenanigans we love to see here!
It’s almost as if every wave was just about the same each and every set. Like groundhogs day and consistency was UP!
Speaking of UP, the local buys were on fire with only a handful of guys out there sharing waves and busting some really big airs.
This could be adios, time to grab some breakfast now, or it could be “peace out” that was a super fun session” or it could be don’t go anywhere, just coming in for some water, a quick board change and then I’m right back out there. Or it could be all THREE!
All I know is this means “Peace out for ME!”…. rain and a grip of great sequences and its time hit the written part of the report! Here’s to a great weekend amigos ~
Hey viewers! Welcome to Tuesday’s surf report from Panga Drops. The wind was relatively mild today, especially in the morning and evening. It was small, but I’ll take small with no wind at Pangas over big and nuking wind.
Monday did not disappoint! Welcome to today’s surf action from Panga Drops. I took photos in the morning and in the evening. This chica has been crushing it at sunset the past few days. She doesn’t miss many waves haha!
Sunday Funday! Welcome to this morning’s surf report from Panga Drops. The waves were really fun this morning. There was a surprise bump in the size and the wind was light. Probably the best waves we’ve had in a week or two, in my opinion. Zach with a big late drop and a cameo from..
Happy Miércoles! We had some small waves throughout the day, heck we even had some light little sporadic rains too; however the evening session was the call. Come on in and see why!