A couple of girls made it out and they were scoring some nice ones. Here is caught this one about to attack the lip of this left.

The boys were also ripping all over the place. This is Marco from Brazil going big with a sweet floater.

We had some sick left handers rolling in but sometimes you can not see them when you are in the water. Go man, go!

The waves were nice and friendly, as you can see. So nice, that even some beginners made it out and they rode some decent ones.

Carlitos Perez always find a nice one to get some shade. Carlitos being Carlitos!

We didn’t spend too much time on the beach today because we had a tsunami warning, so everyone had to leave the beach. At least we had a few shots to share with you guys. We’ll be back tomorrow, god willing. Stay tuned with us!

Hey everyone! Welcome to an action packed Saturday surf report. Pangas was on fire this morning and so were the surfers!

Hi and welcome to our daily surf report. Today we woke up super early and headed out to the beach to score some fun waves and take advantage on the winds conditions. Check out the lineup!!!

Before we get started with today’s report, we want to give a big shout out to our good friend Timmy Gras, who hasn’t been here in a while. If you live and surf anywhere near SF, you probably know TG – either personally or for his shapes. He’s a classic guy and this is a..

Welcome to the Saturday surf report. Today we went to the beach so exited because we were hoping to score some bigger waves and we did. It was running about chest to shoulder high with some occasional head high waves on sets, the water was warm and clear and the wind was nice offshore. Check..