Oscarstartedthe session withthis cutin front ofLarryto show who’s boss.

Chocoyoalsoperformedsomegood cuts, with definite help from hisnew surfboardto elevate hislevel ofsurfing.

Wasa little difficult forsometofind therhythm of the waves, butthis manhad afluidpaceandI saw himhave some of thebest wavesof the day.

Elsewherethe waveswerea bitsoft andonly allowedfor long drawn outturns.Notthe most fun forshort board, but this ripper not taking no for an answer.

Friendif your leash got away, you could have come out with a win!

I thinkOscarwon becausein the end he had onlyoncelosthis boardand his cutwas the best. You be the judge!

Chocoyoas alwayslost hissurfboard twice and thus lost the competition.next time buddy.

This guyis so good atkite surfinghe could leave thewater,wentflying overthe houses andback to the sea.Itwas amazing!

Okamigos, I hope youhad funtoday with thereportand invite you toview the reporttomorrowwhenLucha Libreshows the worldhow to get your shred on in NICA.ArmandoLopezsays goodbye.

Hey everyone! Welcome to an action packed Saturday surf report. Pangas was on fire this morning and so were the surfers!

Que pasa muchachos? El Codo Lopez took the camera out this morning right before we had a huge 7.6 earthquake that shooked the whole pacific coast. The waves were fun running about chest to shoulder high on the bigger sets, winds were offshore and the water was nice. Check it!