Because even when it’s small, nothing’s better than crystal clear, clean, little barrels; thus which lets us appreciate the more glorious crystal clear, clean, bigger barrels.

Nothing’s better than catching a wave without any shoulder hoppers on it.

and even more so, nothing’s better than making it all the way down the line, turn after turn, without falling.

Nothing’s better than seeing my buddy Rafa pulling into those said “crystal clear, clean, little barrels” this morning.

bet this guy’s thinking nothing’s better than taking off on top of a barreling wave, ON a long board; and yes, he made it, in case you’re wondering!

Nothing’s better than surfing a right and a left on the same exact wave.

There’s nothing better than making that pesky close out end section your little B***h!

There’s definitely nothing better than the feeling of a really good bottom turn. (*editors possible fav).

There’s definitely some room in there for that feeling that nothing’s better than cracking one off the top.

Nothing is better than that feeling you get in your stomach when you confidently feel like you’re sitting far enough outside, and then you see this! AND, you know this happens to every one of us at some point, so on that note, nothing’s better than knowing you’re not alone!!

Nothing is better than making the right judgment call on a wave, as temping as is it.

Nothing is better than splitting the peak with your mate. Unless your name is Kanoa or Felipe. (sorry guys, I couldn’t resist).

Nothing is better than recreating “The Endless Summer II”… hey you wanna play Pat and I’ll be Wing-nut or vise versa? Then we can trade boards afterwards.

There are a few things that can be better than what this dude’s about to have handed to him…. BUT…

There’s nothing better and maybe even some kind of award that should be given to any surfer who takes one for the team in helping to save their poor surfboard from being obliterated!

There’s nothing better than having not one, but 4 options of people to use as speed bumps on your take-off. Ok this was only a joke, just checking to see if you were still playing along?

Aside from my joke on the last photo, there IS noting better than miraculously making it to your feet, zig zagging through multiple human obstacles and then riding out the rest of the wave to glory!

There’s is absolutely No Better feeling than your best surf session.

Annnnnd Last but certainly not least, a close second behind the last “Noting Better”, is there is nothing better than an epic surf trip with your best friends of 30+ years!!

Well, how many “nothing better’s” could you relate to on this fun new little way to get creative on a Tuesday surf report? Let us know by clicking the follow button on Facebook herewww.facebook.com/NicaraguaSurfReportor you can follow us on instagram@surfnsr. It’s been a fun last week hanging with you all. Check back mañana to see what BayWatch has his eyes on through his binoculars, could be something exciting?!? See ya soon… BS es outro! ~

Hey everyone! Welcome to an action packed Saturday surf report. Pangas was on fire this morning and so were the surfers!

Hello everybody!!!. The waves were smaller today than yesterday. We still having some waves shoulder high with tubes. The water is super clear, the offshore wind keep blowing to seven to nine miles per hour, so that mean perfect…. Check it out.