Roberto was out with the camera again…

He caught this nice sequence of Luis busting an air – shot 1.

Luis, shot 3 – he came close to landing this one, but didn’t, so this is the last shot. Roberto is available to shoot pictures of you too! Email us for details and go home with a CD full of killer surf shots.

Nice one Roberto! (He’s also available for fashion shoots!)

Ahhhh, the sunset scene at Maderas…that’s Luis on the right.

We’re not sure who this is, but we though this was a cool shot. More of the same forecast for the next few days…

Also, we’ve got a couple of last minute entries from www.casa-ensueno.com today. If you are coming to Nicaragua, check out this website – it’s one of the best places to stay on the coast. Plus – this wave is out your front door.

Hey everyone! Welcome to an action packed Saturday surf report. Pangas was on fire this morning and so were the surfers!