And some other ones were having fun in the lineup. Nice looking left, uh!

A few local surfers made it to out there and they were ripping it up as always. This is Gainer “El Tapitas” Granados setting up to throw some spray on this little nugget.

On the last action shot of the day we have Felipe “El Pipe” Chompipe with a cool little air. This little kid has improved his surfing very quick and here is this shot as a proof.

Now it’s time for an ice cold tona and hang out with your friends. Catch you guys later!!!

This just in, we have a few shots sent in by our buddy Mike from NICAWAVES. It looks like the waves were super fun up there. This is Jantana getting some shade at the first peak.

Nobody surf this spot better than Mario. Maybe is because he is very used to his home break.

The last shot of the day goes to our good friend Garvin “Rama” Thorson from St. Augustine FL. The Hurricane swell from Katia has come and gone back in FL, but the boys are still getting sick waves down here. Stoked to have you down Garv. Thanks to Mike for sending in the photos and everyone out there have to make sure to check out nicawaves.com

Hey amigos! Welcome to Thursday’s surf report from Spot X. The swell didn’t fill in as much as forecasted, but there were still some keepers to be had throughout the day.