This is Mateo from New York with a big bottom turn and thinking about his next move on this set wave. There were many waves like this one everywhere with no takers.

This is Alan cutting back. He’s a good surfo and he likes big waves. It was a pleasure to have you here, get back anytime you want.

Here are the two faces of the coin… or Do I have to say the two faces of the chicks. Anyway, It’s hard to know which one is the face and which one is the seal. Figure it out by yourself.

I don’t remenber the name of this guy, but he was the only nica surfing out there. Check him out with a short but sweet floater.

Don’t you believe when I say the waves where solid over head? This guy probably can prove it. He got a mini bum right on his head and he got to pick his point of the surfboard up on the beach.

He wasn’t worried about to break another board and he got back to the water ’cause the waves where so good. He scored one more time.

Hey amigos! Welcome to Thursday’s surf report from Spot X. The swell didn’t fill in as much as forecasted, but there were still some keepers to be had throughout the day.