Even if the winds were onshore and the surf conditions were not the best ones, we had a sick day. Perfect day to spend it on the beach, and enjoy the sun and the good vibe!

A few local surfers were out, giving it a try and enjoying the beautiful day. This is Chalan picking up a nice looking right.

Nicaragua Independence day is coming and usually all the colleges around take their music bands out and play a little bit. This is Jordan but not Michael so stocked to get to the practice!

This buddy was taking advantage on the tide on his skimboard. As you can see there are also some sweet wipe outs on that little thing. Ouchhhhhh!!!

The big boys had their last practice as well because tomorrow is going to be on. If you happen to be around San Juan del Sur stop by the main park in the morning and check it out!

There will be also many cute girls dancing every piece of song the boys play. Hola Musasitas!!!!!!!!!!

The last action shot for today’s report goes to El Pitun going big with a cool little floater on this closed out section. Keep working buddy!

Dogs are becoming smarter, more and more. Check out this buddy on the last shot of the day making use of the bridge. I bet he doesn’t want to get wet. Alright folks, that’s all for today. Make sure to check us back out tomorrow!

Hey amigos! Welcome to Thursday’s surf report from Spot X. The swell didn’t fill in as much as forecasted, but there were still some keepers to be had throughout the day.

The surf was kinda fun first thing in the morning and we were there to have a good time in the water. It was running about chest to shoulder high on sets with super light offshore winds and the lineup was almost empty. Check it out!