The weather is still super humid, and I thought it would be onshore, but it was kind of mixed up; blowing a little onshore then a little offshore here and there and then, even some glassy perfection cleaned up the waves for a little bit.

The crowd factor was definitely on the light side and the lighting to match was a bit moody and tranquilo as well.

Not a bad time to paddle out this arvo session for sure!

Grant’s back and loving this less crowded time of the season, no doubt.

Met these nice young ladies visiting from Granada. Bienvenido amigas!

Yuji was out there getting some solid overheard waves this evening! I bet him and his brother are so stoked to be out surfing with their dad while he’s back for a little bit.

Some pretty nice conditions. I think this unknown surfer would agree!

@juanjohn_ here making a nice big arching roundhouse. Keep putting that muscle in to them turns John. Nice form buddy.

Koji was digging his rail game into some nice little (or for him, bigger) freight train rights.

and his brother Yuji following suit with the same idea.

Here’s a pulled back view of the moody lineup we had a little earlier… Looked like it was gonna maybe finally rain, being that the humidity was saying YES!

But, before I knew it, the sun had popped out one last time for that magic golden hour.

Just in time for a couple more shots like this!

See, like I said it was a VERY Golden sunset tonight. I threw this one up straight out of camera, without any color correction to show ya, tt was literally real gold!
That’s it for my report amigos. Gonna hit the sack. It was a long day for me, but check back in tomorrow. I’ll be back to share another good day with you all to be your host for some more surfing and yet another great day here in beautiful and amazing Nicaragua. Bien entrada la noche! ~

Hey hey amigos! Welcome to Monday’s surf report from Panga Drops. The waves were very small today, but a new novelty peak started working. I’ve dubbed it “Sterling’s Left”.

Hi surfers and ocean lovers. This is how the beach is looking this morning. The offshore wind is moderate with sets of double overhead in some surf spot. The biggest wave in Central America was working today. Check it out.