Lefts, Rights!!!. Both directions were on fire today….The waves have thick lip with a lot of sick barrels!!!!!.
This surfer was filming with a GoPro and just imagine the videos he got it!!!…Lights, Camera, action…
Wow, this wave have a beautiful green glassy water in this highway. The sunrise come exactly in front of the door.
Here he is deep already and we can see the perfect shape of this wave, so we know he have a big chance to go out.
And here he is coming out in a clean tube. The wave in the back looks like could be better!!!…
And was better but the surfer don’t trust in him self and turn left in a right… If he want he probably can open his arm in this door.
One of my buddy was trying to catch a pump. His Surf skil ( Bigginer is 0 and Laird Hamilton is 10 ) So he is 1, but he want to be 8 today… We see how he do it.
Here is the second try….This wave is a least a seven foot and the tide is low, so is a pump.
Hooooooooooooooooooo!!!!,,,,,, Haahahahahahahahahha.
One of my friend live to the State today and here is how Nicaraua say good bye!!!.
Here we know he is going out. This right was insane today.
The left were powerful even in the inside. I see a lot of the surfer getting barrels today.
Here is a sick lip in one of the rights…Even the small waves were powerful..
There are waves everywere today! This wave don’t work a lot every year and today was working.
Some take off were sick. This wave have a lot of peak like envelope.
And the line was perfect… Until the end of the wave.
Today was another good day… This month was insane, was good from the beginning until the end.
The people in the line up was fighting with some sets. I don’t see any board broken, but could happen anytime today.
There are a sand back working good all year in front the NSR beach house,,, so sick…
Aaron made one of the big one in the end. We gonna give a five in the surf skill….
I visit another surf spot in the afternoon. We Have some big waves too overthere.
Estaba con unos amigos brasileños del rockin este lugar. Aquí es el único Adriano bodyboard en el grupo.
Rafael was the only surfer in the tube. The waves were more for turns this session.
One of my good friends Ryley was the ripper in the water. Here is the best trick in the afternoon.
Here is Guigo dropping some of the medium size waves in the inside. The sets were coming every ten minutes with four waves in the sets.
Hey everyone! Welcome to Saturday morning’s surf report from Panga Drops. The waves were very small today, but the morning window was favorable with the tide. Good for cruisin’!
Hi guys and welcome to our surf report for Southern Nicaragua with Parker! The waves were fun, hollow, and had a touch of size. Check out our shots from this morning!