A-framing, el primer día de octubre! This is a good sign!!!

Josee racing around the corner on this sweet, buttery right. Oh did I mention the conditions this morning were pretty sick!

El otro lado a la izquierda, es la otra chica!

No room for this tall hombre, he went over it instead of inside of it!

John must be wracking his brain as him and everyone else here has no idea, rhyme or reason as to what the heck this seasons personality has been all about?!!!

Now that there’s a MAN-FAN!! Which makes me a fan of this mans surfing! Nice one chavalo!

Nope there weren’t any temblores (earthquakes “thankfully”) today, but this guy still keeps the practice alive and well. Duck, cover and seek shelter!!!!

These little gremmies have been here for at least a month or two, I can’t keep track, but they’ve been posted up at the Numero Uno house along all of Playa Colorados, that’s right, the famous NSR Beach House. Just seeing the little one’s stoke on her smiling face. . . you can’t help but smile to, it’s so contagious!

Always so good to see my amigo Kelly Slater down here again, always using one of the best waves on the planet (besides his fresh water bird bath) testing out new equipment and getting away from all the hustle and bustle from any one of his 20 beach front homes around the globe.

Lucas showing the GOAT really how it’s done down here! Jajaja – just in case you’re really thinking that was Kelly Slater…. well, I never really got to pull off a proper April Fool’s joke this year, so Haaaaaa there ya go!!!!

The perfect pulled back view of PC’s and you know what’s in store when you see a wave taking off this deep and that perfect tapering wall. . . you know exactly what you gotta do.

YUP! THIS!!!!!!

Here’s the same kiddo, different wave from earlier, but with a much better view and killer angle! Whoop Whoop, and that my friends is what makes this place to EPIC!!!!!

I’ve only met two Buzz’s in my life. Buzz Aldrin. Ya might have heard of him, you know he’s one of those dudes that like, sorta walked on the moon. And then there’s this Buzz. This Buzz is actually a lot cooler, (and I can say this since I met the other one) Maybe going to moon went to his head too much or something, that or maybe he should of been a surfer – whow knows? This Buzz is much nicer and is even throwing you’ll a shaka to end off this perfectly awesome Saturday! Buen día amigos ~Remember, even if you didn’t make the highlights you can always look at the link here for all theDaily Surf Shotsfrom each day, there might be a good chance you’re in there!AND don’t forget to follow us and always check out our current happenings on our daily Instagram stories hereNSRor my photography hereNica Surf Shots

Hello Tuesday and thanks for tuning back in for daily surf report. We had a slightly smaller but still a lot of fun surf today. @tonyzphotos bringing you the goods.

Buenas vibraciones bienvenidas y feliz Viernes! Welcoming in October with some beautiful sunny weather and super fun clean waves today. Here’s to October 1st and hopefully a fun filled month of waves!