Welcome to our Off Season… aka our winter. Gives me goose bumps just thinking about it. Not because it’s cold, but because it’s my favorite time of year here.

Rutci was having so much for out there today.

See what I mean.

Just because the waves are down, doesn’t mean you can keep Chacoyo down.

Grant with his eyes on the prize down the line.

This admirer of Rutci’s wave is obviously juts as stoked as she is. Maybe even more, so?

Perfectly tapered A-framed 4 foot shoulders with super clean conditions

Is exactly why Seth moved here, some time ago.

Lesther was born and raised surfing this wave. So he’s always been a fan of this spot, naturally. But I can guarantee you won’t find a more humble being who has a gold mine as his backyard.

Chris is another surfer who you will often see grace the surf report from time to time, especially when it’s pumping thick barrels. Make no mistake, he can lay and spray as good as the rest of the aficionados here; thus making him no one trick pony.

Mystery barrel surfer of the day…. ahhh I love the mystery, everytime…. do you guys??

Ian and Oscar “Rocka & Shaka” smiles, about to get their shred on!

This hombre definitely has some good things to write home about.

If Grant had a dollar, or in this case, c$30 cordobas for every lip smash he’s completed here, he’d have a lot of Toña coins saved up.

Ian certainly didn’t waste anytime with getting his shred on.

Chacoyo following suit to his Señor, Ian. The local kids really do watch and learn a lot from the good traveling surfers who come here, so always remember you’re setting the example for the future of your surfing here. Be kind, they’re kind. be a dick, well… you get the picture.

Lesther came up the hard way. The school of good old hard knocks. Keep pulling in until you make your first waves. Then years and years later, he’s easily one of the best barrel riders in Nicaragua.

His brother Oscar did it the same way as well. Practice, practice and MORE practice.

But without a surfboard how can these kids even get to where they’ve come to today with their surfing. Well, you can ask Mr. Ian Masaway and his crew, since they’ve been coming here and donating surfboards to the local kids for a really really long time! Also one of the longest running & best clients for NSR. Muchisimas Gracias for your long standing dedicated love for Nica guys!!!

Oscar was just a little dude when the above mentioned crew started coming here.

Now he’s all grown up and doing moves like this every day. The board shaper-name under his feet like the one you see here, may or may not have something to do with it.

You know you’re doing papa parenting right when you’re actions are shown and not just suggested. Like Brett Harrison here. Show and not tell.

Seeing is believing. Believing is seeing. When the groms follow in papa’s footsteps, it can look a little like this. Koji, although a regular footer, mirroring his dad’s barrel prowess just fine.

Hey amigos! Josh back behind the lens for the next few days. Welcome to Wednesday’s surf report from Panga Drops. It was windier than called for today, but there were still a few decent. waves.

Hola a todos, bienvenidos al reporte de surf de hoy lunes. Octubre llegó como todos lo recordábamos… nublado, lluvioso y con mal viento, pero siempre hay olas para todos.