Only three people in the water. Where is everybody? Pancho was getting his last session before go to the U.S. for a month out off surf. Yesterday he surfed six hours straight and made more than ten barrels. Good by Bro. I will catch waves for you.

A boogie boarder was part of the crew ready to go in any wave. Rip current, a lot of sand and heavy waves, all mix together = no surfer in the lineup.

Take a look at what you are missing. We do not accept that people say that the waves did not work.

Empty. Overhead waves barreling.

I was just walking and taking photos after photos and this wave was impressing me. Check it out.

Since I did not find seasoned surfers who want to surf these waves I had to pay two of the most daring local surfers to take pictures with someone in the water, Chocoyo and Lester.When I showedthemthe wavesthey began torun to getto the pointquickly.

Chocoyo was the first one take a wave. Making cut in back side style, he is one of the best one.

Lester killed the waves in his front side. Check out how fun these two surfer were having in this spot.

Chocoyo be careful with the reef!!!!! Its only two feet deep.

I could not believe I was taking pictures and no waves. Look and tell me if this does not make you to wanna leave them the camera and grab a surfboard?

Perfect and a little danger, I feel we don’t need to spend a lot of money to go to Indonesia if we have waves like this one in Nica Land. But I never be in Indo so I stay here. Hahaha.

The couple Pro surfers I chose. Theirs payment is well earned. For just two dollars per hour they make up airline. Huu Huuu Good deal for me.

Possible this point tomorrow morning will be full of surfers. If they can find it,and charge it,,hahaha !!!!!

Thanks for your attention provided to each report. We are happy to show you the best of our waves and wait for tomorrow’s report, possible will be arguably one of the best this year. Armando Lopez is out.

Hey everyone! Welcome to an action packed Saturday surf report. Pangas was on fire this morning and so were the surfers!

We scored super fun waves at Playa Maderas today. The waves were running about chest to head high on the bigger sets, winds were nice offshore until noon and the water was great. Check out the lineup!!!