First, to all of our East Coast family and friends: stay safe during Hurricane Matthew! Second, enjoy the fun leftover surf! Third, tell Hurricane Matthew to go away so our offshores can return!

Otherwise, the surf is small onshore for the next couple of waves. Marlon Brando still paddled out to get a few before work.

Some little nuggets still crept through. Wait for the second half of the set so the first group of waves can groom the surface.

In the mornings, it’s still fun! The texture isn’t perfect glassy offshore; however, it’s still smooth and workable.

And the crowd is right too… You won’t find many other people in the water because October is our offseason month (for obvious reasons).

I feel you bro… catch a couple waves then it’s breakfast time.

If you love the outdoors, you will never be bored in Nicaragua! When the winds turn onshore, go fish. Check out a few of our shots from a recent mission.

Blue water blue water blue water!!! The onshores bring the warm clear water that the fish love. If you’re diligent, you’ll score!

Here fishy fishy… Nica Gray and Pancho Sanchez are real deal fishermen. With their equipment, we’ll find them and shoot them.

Because Gray shot the best fish, he gets all the limelight on the report. Check out those two decently sized pargos!! He dove 60 feet deep to shoot those snappers.

Here’s another look at his fishies. We filled up a cooler of pargos, mackarel, and pompano.

The jellyfish are also out there so keep your eyes peeled (or necks covered). The post dive Benadryl nap was perfect!

Cesar- thank you for taking us out hombre! Pancho (stop looking at the fish jumping 15 feet away) and Gray- thanks for killing it! Even though the surf conditions are not great, stay tuned to our report. We’ll keep you on your toes and show you some other cool stuff!! Por eso, hasta en la manana amigos!

Hey everyone! Welcome to an action packed Saturday surf report. Pangas was on fire this morning and so were the surfers!

Hello everybody. Welcome to the sunday funday surf report. The wind in the morning was soft and glassing. A group of friend wake up to enjoy the wind condition in the morning, because we have a big pig for cooking on the beach in the noon, so we will have a full day of just..