This morning was uncrowded out there. All we found was this unknown rider taking off on a fun looking right. He was out all by himself getting fun waves all over the place.

You could imagine with only one guy out how many empty waves where coming through. Here is one of the many rights that we saw coming in. What a shame!!!

Today we drove the “burrito” to the beach, when we crossed the river it was nice and shallow, but when we got to the beach it rained pretty hard for about twenty minutes. So on our way back to town we found that the river was flowing super fast and it had gotten very deep in a short period of time. Most of the small vehicles couldn’t cross, but there were some guys who were willing to take the risk. As you can see in this shot this one was close.

Last night, we had our first table soccer tournament at Casa Feliz, there were some people that could play very well and everyone wanted to take the title of champion home with them. We wanted to show you this shot of one of the groups that participated in the contest.

Here is another shot of the tournament action, we had a pretty good turn out of people and we think that next time we will have even more. So if you’re in town any time soon and you would like to play be sure to come by Casa Feliz and let Codo know. That’s it for today, be sure to check back with us tomorrow.

Hey amigos! Welcome to Thursday’s surf report from Spot X. The swell didn’t fill in as much as forecasted, but there were still some keepers to be had throughout the day.

Hi friends, this is Jairo “Come Pan” Garcia with the surf report for today. It’s head high on sets and the wind keeps onshore. This morning we headed out to Maderas with all the juniors. Check out the lineup.